Aloha Proof Module Design Cabled Observatory Mechanical Presentation School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology February 2006
Aloha Phase 1 Mechanical Systems Main Assemblies: Float Package Proof Module Cable Termination Frame Bottom Line: -Mechanicals have gone smoothly -Manufacturing and testing complete -Final assembly remains -Quick tour or three main assemblies
Buoyancy Test Float allows for the retrieval of the proof module. Link between termination frame and proof module will be cut by ROV.
Seawater Return Hydrophone Proof Module Electronics Housing Assembly Status: -Manufacturing completed -Passed pressure testing -Partially assembled AT&T MUX Endcap (tube not shown) Strong-back UH Electronics Titanium Shackle
Proof Module Cable Termination Frame Status: -Manufacturing and tension testing complete -Waiting for Tyco/ODI cable harness for final assembly
Termination Frame Tension Test -Frame is inverted inside railway