1 Chapter 6 Cultivation
2 The Cultural Indicators Project Initiated in 1967 by George Gerbner Investigates the “cultivation” effect Cultivation hypothesis For people who watch a lot of television the real world starts to resemble the world of television.
3 Components of the Cultural Indicators Project Cultivation analysis Institutional process analysis Examines the production, management, and distribution of media messages Message system analysis Investigates images in media content
4 Conceptual Roots of the Cultivation Hypothesis Television is the great storyteller of our age. Mainstreaming When heavy television viewers absorb dominant attitudes and beliefs that are presented repetitively on television Resonance When real-world events support the distorted image of reality shown on television
5 The Cultivation Hypothesis assumes: Messages are relatively uniform Viewing of television is non-selective Television viewing is habitual The television and its viewers interact.
6 Criticisms of Cultivation The conceptualizations need further explication. Uniform messages Underlying narratives Validity of concepts are difficult to test Researchers need to identify the cognitive processes in cultivation effects.
7 Theoretical Bases for Cultivation Television has become a primary source of shared meaning and messages. Symbolic interaction Cognitive paradigm Learning and construction
8 Research Tradition Content analysis Survey methods Mean World Index
9 Recent Research and Future Trends Collecting evidence for cultivation effects Expansion of studies into other countries Some studies attempt to determine “global” perceptions of social reality. The growing popularity of cable, satellite, VCRs, and the Internet