Distance pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of their pedagogical courses in preparing them for their practicum By Asst. Prof. Belgin AYDIN Anadolu University TURKEY
Organization Introduction Expectations for teachers Teacher Education Programs The perspectives of preservice teachers Aim of the study Aims of the courses Methodology Subjects Instrument Results and Discussion Pedagogical Implications
The Debates on Teacher Education Programs They often fail to give the pre-service teachers the tools they need to develop a sustainable practice They include difficulties in helping pre-service teachers in carrying out the theoretical knowledge into the practical classroom contexts. They require too many unnecessary beurocratic regulations and discourage trainees to do this profession.
The importance of pre- service teachers’ perceptions they reveal multidimensional aspects of teaching when carefully designed, their evaluations of instruction are valid and reliable, their feelings of preparedness are an important indicator of their motivation and success
Aim of the study Getting the pre-service teachers’ perspectives of the effectiveness of the pedagogical courses in preparing them for the actual practicum process in the curriculum renewal process.
Pedagogical Courses School Experience (1st year) ELT Methodology (3rd year) Approaches in ELT (3rd year) Teaching English to Young Learners (3rd year) Skills Teaching (4th year) Practicum (4th year)
School Experience To provide students with the opportunity to explore the field of teaching by making observations on various aspects and gain knowledge and awareness related to school issues.
English Language Teaching Methodology To have the students gain some insights into ELT classroom practice and to inform them on the issues of current concerns such as; roles and responsibilities of teachers and students, designing curricula, planning classroom procedures, developing teaching materials, managing interactive learning, assessing
Approaches in ELT To inform students about many different language teaching methods and shed light on actions and thoughts, namely, principles that are used in language classrooms. Grammar Translation Method, Direct method, Silent way, Suggestepodia, Total Physical Response, Communicative Language Teaching, Task based approach, Cooperative Language Teaching
Teaching English to Young Learners To make students aware of the basic terminology, provide knowledge and background information about children between the ages of 5-11 considering their physical, psychological, emotional and cognivite characteristics.
Skills Teaching To engage teacher trainees in a process of continual professional development. In this respect, the course offers guidance on how the teacher trainees explore principles related to language areas, like vocabulary, grammar, and language skills, like listening, speaking, etc. Further, the students are guided in the application of different techniques in the light of this background knowledge. The students are also encouraged to experiment with different techniques in their teaching.
Practicum Micro Teaching Macro Teaching
Subjects 900 forth year preservice teachers attending a Distance English Language Teacher Training (DELT) program
Instrument A questionnaire which courses you took were effective in preparing you for the actual classroom during your practicum process? on which aspects of teaching these courses were more effective in the real classroom?
1. Which courses students took in their 3rd and 4th year education were effective in preparing them for the actual classroom during their practicum process ? (5)very helpful(1)not helpful at all School Experience ELT Methodology Approaches in ELT Teaching English to Young Learners Skills Teaching Practicum
School Experience C1
ELT Methodology C2
Approaches in ELT 26,0 41,5 20,7 6,6 1,5 3,6 C3
Teaching English to Young Learners 24,6 37,2 20,9 7,7 4,6 4,8 C4
Skills Teaching 12,2 19,8 26,7 19,8 19,4,2,1 C5
Practicum 47,2 36,0 10,9 2,8 2,3,0.7 C6
2. On which aspects of teaching these courses were more effective in the real classroom ? interaction with the students motivating students involving students to the class activities nominating students dealing with problematic students lesson preperation using various teaching techniques using the board efficiently managing their time dealing with noise using classroom language efficiently making necessary decisions during teaching cooperation with mentor teachers
IMPLICATIONS Raising pre-service teachers’ consciousness Providing more guidance for the distance education students Encouraging the alternative ways of planning Encouraging “unplanned” teaching Including cases into class discussions Use of videotaping