Spatio-temporal Stochastic Simulation of Connectivity Matrices from Lagrangian Ocean Models
The Raw Material: Time series of simulated daily Kij Matrices i
Logit Transformation
Remove Temporal Trend
Remove Spatial Trend
h (lag distance, km) h (lag distance, days) VARIOGRAMS ON PRESENCE/ABSENCE OF SETTLEMENT (INDICATOR VARIABLE, 0/1) Along-Rows (t, i, i) (t, i, i+h) correlation of settlement at adjacent destinations from same source Time (t,i,j) (t+h,i,j) correlation of settlement at time t in patch (i,j) with settlement at time t+h in same patch Down-Columns (t, j, j) (t, j+h, j) correlation of settlement from adjacent sources to the same destination
γ(h) h (lag distance, km) h (lag distance, days) VARIOGRAMS ON MAGNITUDE OF SETTLEMENT AT NON-ZERO LOCATIONS Along-Rows (t, i, i) (t, i, i+h) correlation of settlement at adjacent destinations from same source Time (t,i,j) (t+h,i,j) correlation of settlement at time t in patch (i,j) with settlement at time t+h in same patch Down-Columns (t, j, j) (t, j+h, j) correlation of settlement from adjacent sources to the same destination
SGEMS ….4D simulation…yay
Predicting Alongshore Patterns from Coastal Topgraphy
‘Coastal Anomaly’ Broitman and Kinlan 2006 MEPS, In press
Smoothing Scale=1000 km COASTAL STRUCTURE
Smoothing Scale=50 km COASTAL STRUCTURE
S.Africa WNA Chile
What scale of coastal features matter to the process you’re interested in? Correlation between variable of interest and topographic index at each smoothing scale
myt bal cht Smoothing scale (km) for topo index Correlation coefficient
myt bal cht alongshore lag (km) (negative lags are poleward) Correlation coefficient
myt bal cht The “Topographic Response Function” Correlation coefficient Alongshore Lag (km) – positive lags poleward – sorry! Smoothing scale (km) for topo index
alongshore lag (km) Amplitude ( ) Mytilus spp Filter length (km) PC amplitude PC1 PC2 PC3
alongshore lag (km) Amplitude ( ) Balanus glandula Filter length (km) PC amplitude PC1 PC2 PC3
alongshore lag (km) Amplitude ( ) Chthamalus spp Filter length (km) PC amplitude PC1 PC2 PC3
Myt (74%)Bal (85%)Cht (69%)
45%; ns 87%; *** Balanus predicted from Mytilus Chthamalus predicted from Mytilus
Mytilus spp
regressing PeruRecTx and topography Var Explained = Model significance = * COAST * Topo(521,-238) * Topo(753,15) * Topo(58,156) * Topo(521,-187) * Topo(753,-186) * Topo(58,103)
regressing SemiRecTx and topography Var Explained = Model significance = * COAST * Topo(522,-224) * Topo(837,-217) * Topo(62,-233) * Topo(522,-65) * Topo(837,-114) * Topo(62,235)
regressing JhelRecTx and topography Var Explained = Model significance = * COAST * Topo(519,-237) * Topo(253,22) * Topo(44,102) * Topo(519,196) * Topo(253,-187) * Topo(44,-175)
A Global, Daily, Sub-Kilometer-Scale Index of Wind-Driven Dynamics in Nearshore Ecosystems
JPL Model Nowcast – 1km wind field
Kelp Dynamics at the California Channel Islands Responses to Ocean Climate, Trophic Structure, and Management
Overall Protection of Kelp Habitats Based on Kelp MapBased on Kelp Map Area of Kelp in MPA’s in versus Baseline Fraction of Kelp Habitat in MPAs 11.0% 5.56 km 2 of km % 5.56 km 2 of km % 4.82 km 2 of km 2
Kelp Canopy at San Miguel Island
Kelp Canopy at Santa Rosa Island
Kelp Canopy at Santa Cruz Island
Kelp Canopy at Anacapa Island
Kelp Canopy at Santa Barbara Island
For Comparison: San Nicolas Island
For Comparison: Campus Point (Mainland)
Before ( )Before ( )After ( ) Average Kelp Canopy Biomass (US tons) Change in Canopy Area Over Time: All So Cal Islands
Change in Canopy Area Over Time: CINMS vs. Other Islands Before ( )Before ( )After ( ) Average Kelp Canopy Biomass (US tons) Before ( )Before ( )After ( ) CINMSSan Nicolas, Clemente, Catalina
Kelp Biomass at Islands
Date of Survey Kelp Canopy Biomass (US Tons) Kelp Biomass – CINMS Region
CINMS Region Other Islands
Patterns Different from Mainland ENSO Index -(SOI) Islands Mainland
CINMS Region MBNMS Region ( ) Figure 4
Kelp forest state De-forested state From Behrens and Lafferty 2004; based on data from Kelp Forest Monitoring Project Indirect Effects of Fishing on Kelp Forests?
Interesting Pattern at Anacapa Island MCA established
F^3 Needs?