Free Quarks versus Hadronic Matter Xiao-Ming Xu. picture below the critical temperature T c.


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Presentation transcript:

Free Quarks versus Hadronic Matter Xiao-Ming Xu

picture below the critical temperature T c

CHALLENGE new form of matter below T c : free quarks, free antiquarks and hadrons X.-M. Xu, R. Peng, arXiv: ; Chin. Phys. C33, 748 (2009)

F. Karsch, et al., Nucl. Phys. B605, 579 (2001) T=0.58T c T=0.66T c T=0.74T c T=0.84T c T=0.9T c T=0.94T c T=0.97T c T=1.06T c T=1.15T c

Medium Effect Lattice QCD calculations give temperature-dependent quark-quark potential. Medium screening leads to weak binding of quarks. When temperature increases, the confinement potential gets weak and the bound state gets loose.

We expect Meson-meson collisions in high-temperature hadronic matter produce free quarks and antiquarks easily.

Possibility for Creating Free Quarks and Antiquarks plateau energy at T=0.16 GeV: 0.42 GeV quark-antiquark relative-motion energy:  GeV,  GeV, K GeV, K* GeV average kinetic energy:  GeV,  GeV, K GeV, K* GeV A meson-meson collision to a full stop leads to relative-motion energy + average kinetic energy: GeV for  + , GeV for  + , GeV for K+K, GeV for K*+K*, larger than the plateau energy. Quark and antiquark are in a scattering state, become free!

Cross Section meson-meson reaction a new mechanism for quark deconfinement

quark-quark potential Transition amplitude M fi is derived from quark-antiquark wave functions and the quark-quark potential b(T)=0.35[1-(T/T c ) 2 ]  (T c -T)  (T)=0.28  (T c -T) T c =0.175 GeV, d=0.897 GeV m u =m d =0.334 GeV, m s =0.575 GeV C.-Y. Wong, Phys. Rev. C65, (2002)

unpolarized cross section (1) L A =L B =0 (2) L A =0, L B  0, S A =0 (3) L A =0, L B =1, S A =1, S B =1

We calculate unpolarized cross sections for the production of free quarks and antiquarks in collisions  + ,  + ,  +K,  +K*,  + ,  +K,  +K*, K+K, K+K*, K*+K*

Cross sections for  + ,  +K,  +K* producing free quarks and antiquarks T=0.174 GeV (solid, chiral limit), GeV (dashed, constituent quark mass), 0.16 GeV (dotted), 0.15 GeV (dot-dashed), 0.14 GeV (long dashed)

recombination of quark and antiquark A free quark and a free antiquark combine into a meson M by radiating a gluon Cross sections for the E1 transition are calculated via C.-Y. Wong, J. Phys. G28 (2002) 2349

master rate equation for free u and d quarks

master rate equation for free s quarks

master rate equations for , , K and K*

ratios of number densities number density of hadronic matter n H  n  +n  +n K +n K*  number density of free quarks n=n q +n s T (GeV) n/n H at time t=0.5 fm/c in the chiral limit with the constituent quark mass

Number density of free quarks T=0.174 GeV (solid, chiral limit), GeV (dashed, constituent quark mass), 0.16 GeV (dotted), 0.15 GeV (dot-dashed), 0.14 GeV (long dashed)

n  in the left panel, n  in the right panel T=0.174 GeV (solid, chiral limit), GeV (dashed, constituent quark mass), 0.16 GeV (dotted), 0.15 GeV (dot-dashed), 0.14 GeV (long dashed)

n K in the left panel, n K* in the right panel T=0.174 GeV (solid, chiral limit), GeV (dashed, constituent quark mass), 0.16 GeV (dotted), 0.15 GeV (dot-dashed), 0.14 GeV (long dashed)

SUMMARY appreciable amount of free quarks and antiquarks produced by meson-meson reactions b. a new mechanism for quark deconfinement at high temperature. form of matter below T c : free quarks, free antiquarks and hadrons.