CP from University to Industry, from Industry to University, in the European context Workshop on Cleaner Production Middle East Technical University Department of Environmental Engineering Ankara 31 March 2008
The role of Universities in CP Clean technologies in the 80s PRISMA, and PREPARE (Preventive Environmental Protection Approaches in Europe) Erasmus and Amsterdam Universities UNEP 1989 Cleaner Production Catalonia in Spain, 1991 Guideline for the assessment of opportunities in industries University of Girona UNEP/UNIDO programme
Raw material Product TransformPrePost In CP we were dealing wih processes and techniques …targeting small and medium size enterprises Cleaner Production basics
Raw material Product TransformPrePost By-product Waste In addition to products we generate by-products and wastes Cleaner Production basics
Raw material Product TransformPrePost By-product Waste Inert Toxic Toxic waste Driving forces/Main worries For policy definition: Identify priorities! Some substances are toxics Cleaner Production drivers
Raw material Product TransformPrePost By-product Waste Driving forces/Main worries. Identify priorities! High volumes/main sources of waste Apply tools such as Pareto chart Cleaner Production use of tools
Raw material Product TransformPrePost By-product Waste From waste minimization to pollution prevention Resist to end-of pipe Prevention at source End-of-pipe treatment Cleaner Production evolution
Raw material Product TransformPrePost By-product Waste UNEP Cleaner production Prevention + optimal use of resources End-of-pipe treatment Cleaner Production evolution
Raw material Product TransformPrePost By-product Waste Eco-efficiency in CP Cost analysis Economic feasibility End-of-pipe treatment … one way to innovation for Sustainable Development C P and ecoefficiency
Raw material Product TransformPrePost By-product Waste Cleaner production Methodologies for site implementation UNIDO CP, MOED, … End-of-pipe treatment C P methodology development
Sectorial approaches Diffusion, communication C P in industry sectors
Attention to Specific issues Water, Energy/Climate change C P specific opportunities
Cleaner production From process to product Ecodesign Green chemistry Cleaner Production in products
1. Choice of low impact materials 2. Reduction of materials used 3. Optimization of production techniques Alternative techniques 4. Optimal distribution system 5. Reduction of impact during use 6. Optimization of initial life 7.Optimization of system end of cycle 0. Development of a new concept Cleaner Production in products
Cleaner production (where to look, how to improve) vs Environmental Management Systems EMS, the integral approach ISO 14000, the formal approach EMS and Cleaner Production
Cleaner production (where to look, how to improve ) vs IPPC Best Available Techniques & BREF (where to go, feasibility) (availability?) BAT and Cleaner Production
Industrial ecology C P and Industrial Ecology
Consumption Waste Processing Recycling Cleaner Production + Recycling
Introduction of CP in University curriculum Case studies applied in lectures Implementation of applied LCA and other tools Diffusion C P feedback and extension