18 th Century Colonial Development HIS 103
Interacting with Indians Iroquois maximized dwindling power by playing French & English off each other Between 1620s-60s, lost over 90% of population Urgent need for “requickening” caused wars Economic motives introduced due to fur trade Tuscarora added to League by 1722 Southern tribes became “civilized” but still not accepted Adopted English style of dress & farming Cherokee developed written language Played Spanish & English off each other
Population Growth Population increased tenfold: 1700: 250, : 2.5 million 75% due to natural increase Population grew more diverse 25% due to immigration Many Protestant Irish & Germans came as redemptioners
Economic Growth Desire for gentility sparked economic transformation in the colonies Standards of gentility derived from European court life Need mansions & luxury goods to reinforce social standing since no nobility in colonies Merchants played lead role in establishing manufacturing & stimulating consumption of imports Southern elites based on slavery Northern elites based on trade Change to market economy confined to port cities at first
Atlantic Economy Based on mercantilism Navigation Act (1660) Only British ships could carry colonial trade Cash crops reserved for England alone Staple Act (1663) Most goods had to be shipped to England first, then colonies Government collected customs duties twice
Colonial Export Destinations
The Great Awakening Jonathan Edwards was the son and grandson of New England Congregational pastors Revival began in Northampton, Mass. in Began preaching in other churches with similar results “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” – Enfield, Conn., July 8, 1741 Rev. Jonathan Edwards
The Great Awakening Gilbert Tennant led revival in middle colonies George Whitefield toured colonies in 1740 Oct – preached 97 sermons in 40 towns in 45 days in Mass. & Conn. Deliberately theatrical Led to split between “New Lights” & “Old Lights”