Title of Book Author Anita Sego
Information About Book When was it written? Who published it? What other books has the author written?
Information About the Author Background information? Former Careers? Academic Training?
Why I Chose This Book State at least three reasons why you chose this particular book.
Characters & Setting Use as many slides as necessary to adequately summarize what the book is about and the general setting of the book. Describe who, what, when, why and how the book takes place. From what viewpoint is it written (one character’s perspective or through the eyes of a narrator?
How does is relate to health? State the health topic involved. Describe why it interests you. Explain why it should interest us. Why is this health topic important?
How Did We Get Here? Any relevant historical information Original assumptions that are no longer valid What resources did the author use to write this book? (Summarize)
Today’s Situation Summary of the current situation of the health topic as compared to how it was written about in the book. Use at least two other sources to discuss the health topic (other news article, internet information, information from textbook or other book.) Use brief bullets, discuss details verbally
Available Options State the alternative strategies for addressing this health issue. List advantages & disadvantages of each
Recommendation What is your recommendation for addressing the health issue? Summarize the results if things go as proposed—why you think your proposal will help solve the health issue.
Recommendation What is your opinion about the book? The author’s writing style? What did you learn from both?
Resources What did you read to prepare this PowerPoint Presentation? Proper Format