Mean, Median, Mode These are measures of central tendency All three give us information about a sample But some are more meaningful depending on the level.


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Presentation transcript:

Mean, Median, Mode These are measures of central tendency All three give us information about a sample But some are more meaningful depending on the level of measurement 1

What are the 4 levels of measurement? Hint: one is call “nominal” 2

3 Four Levels of Measurement 1.Nominal - offer names for labels for characteristics (gender, birthplace). 2.Ordinal - variables with attributes we can logically rank and order.

4 Four Levels of Measurement 3.Interval - distances separating variables (temperature scale). 4.Ratio - attributes composing a variable are based on a true zero point (age). Beware not to treat ordinal measures like interval (although it is done quite frequently).

Which measure of central tendency do you use with… Nominal level measure? Ordinal level measure Interval level measure Ratio level measure 5


Research Design Example 8

Where to start on your paper? Confused as to what your concepts, indicators, measures, variables might be Confused as to what method you are going to use: field research, interviews, focus groups, survey, secondary data Confused as to where you might find datasets 9

10 Exploring the literature Knowing what to read How to find it How to put boundaries on it How to organize it How to cite/annotate it How to construct arguments with it How to write a literature review

11 Concept Map

12 Annotating Sources Annotating your sources provides you with a record of relevant literature. It should include: –the citation (note the audience) –The problem and purpose of the study –Key concepts, ideas, theories –Brief information about the sample, variables, etc. –Key results –critical commentary –notes on relevance that remind you of the significance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited –methodology

13 Finding it Lit review search Web of knowledge Journal webpages Academic Search Premier Lexus Nexus

14 Finding Data Sources The Literature Data sources –ICPSR –National Election Study –U.S. Census –NORC - –Pew Research Center