Mercurian Tectonics Virginia Pasek
Tectonics defined Also known as crustal deformation tectonics is the result of stresses in the outer layers of a planet that are produced by thermal and/or mechanical processes Occurs on terrestrial planets and the Moon
It happened long, long ago Change in the shape of the lithosphere Change in radius Caloris related events
Only on Earth Found on Mercury
The Despinning Model
Tectonics of a despun planet Lineaments found at N 50°, N 130° and weaker N - S trends Similar to Moon N 60°, N 120° 2500 images studied Difference between theoretical and observed grids
Mercurian Grid Pattern of fractures, or weak zones, in the lithosphere Most ancient of all tectonic evidence Occurred before any recognizable geological features Similar to the Moon
Shortfalls of despinning alone Lobate scarps are just as abundant in the polar regions as the equatorial The polar regions do not contain normal, or tension, faults Lobate scarps have pseudorandom orientations The lineament system is post-dated by some relatively young features
Simultaneous processes Secular cooling and despinning
Fault distribution
Surface features Ancient tectonic grid, called “Mercurian Grid” Lobate and arcuate scarps
Such an impact! Review Mercury’s diameter is 4878 km Caloris basin is 1550 kilometers in diameter 32% of the size of Mercury Approximately 336,000 km2 on antipodal side affected by impact Caloris is not the largest impact on Mercury Borealis basin, located near the north pole is 1560 km
Basin boundaries
Antipodal effects Covers at least 336,000 km 2 Hills, depressions, and valleys that disrupt pre-existing landforms 5-10 km wide and up to 2 km in height Smooth terrain within some craters indicate that volcanic activity occurred after Caloris impact Effects enhanced due to Mercury’s large iron core
Antipodal effects
Additional processes Reactivated tectonic trends due to large impact Local processes Kalidasa - Milton area The Phildias area Tolstoj - Zeami area
Kalidasa - Milton Area (U1 - U2) Thomas Two troughs which can not be explained as coalescent secondary impacts
Phidias Area (K) Absence of secondaries, central peak, and wall terraces Thomas proposes that Phidias depression is due to a tectonic subsidence of a nearly circular area.
References R.G. Strom, A.L. Sprague, Exploring Mercury: The Iron Planet (Springer, New York, 2003) P.G. Thomas, Planet. Space Sci. 45, pp (1997) J.W. Head et al., Space Sci. Rev. 131, pp (2007)