ASWU Sound Quiz Answers February 13, 2011
Question 1
Question 2 Condenser mics exhibit high sensitivity with good pickup characteristics and their extended frequency response generally provides a crisp, accurate reproduction of the sound source. They require phantom power. Examples of uses: Overhead microphone for a drum kit Multiple vocalists Studio recording
Question 3 The last number refers to the coverage. The Zx5-60 will spread the sound at 60 degrees whereas the Zx5-90 will spread sound at 90 degrees. Both produce the same volume, but the Zx5-60 will throw the sound farther. At a larger concert, we will use both types of Zx5 in order to provide even coverage.
Question 4 A DI box connects a high- impedance, line level, unbalanced output signal to a low-impedance microphone level balanced input. DIs are frequently used to connect an electric keyboard, an electric guitar or electric bass to a mixing console's microphone input.
Question 5 A line level input input has a strong pre-amplified signal (unbalanced, high impedance). Examples include a laptop, a keyboard, or an iPod. A mic level input is the voltage of the signal produced by a microphone (balanced, low impedance). Examples include a dynamic microphone (e.g. SM57, SM58), a condenser microphone or a DI.
Question 6 Crossovers split the audio signal into separate frequency bands that can be separately routed to loudspeakers optimized for those bands.
Question 7 A standard wall outlet provides 15 amps of power at 120V. 15 amps x 120V = 1800 Watts. This is the maximum amount of power than can be drawn from the entire circuit. Be aware of how much power each component draws.