Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
The Inverse Hyperbolic Sine, Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine & Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent
The Inverse Hyperbolic Cotangent, Inverse Hyperbolic Secant & Inverse Hyperbolic Cosecant
Derivatives of Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
Example (1)
Example (2)
Example (3)
Integrals Involving Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
Example (1)
Example (2)
Example (3)
Example (4)
Logarithmic Expressions of inverse hyperbolic Functions
Deducing the derivative formulas for inverse hyperbolic functions using their logarithmic expressions Question: Use their logarithmic expressions for the inverse hyperbolic sine, the inverse hyperbolic cosine and the inverse hyperbolic tangent to deduce their derivative formulas