Wed. High Holy Days. Click next to holiday6.htm Additional resources:
“ Evening and morning and at noon I shall pray” Psalm 55:17 3 Group prayer times for men –4rth service on Holy-days, after morning prayer. Morning prayers longest Also prayers at Night before morning Shema before Bed
Daily prayers: 2 ways short version for small groups Full liturgy, if there are enough people.
Minyan 10 adults are needed before prayer rituals are performed in full. Orthodox: only men count toward Minyan
Evening: Ma'ariv sundown and midnight. Shema Amidah: Shemoneh Esrei / “18 Benedictions” Aleinu
Shema: Quotes from Torah “Hear, Oh Israel, the Lord is our god, the Lord is One… And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be in your heart. And you shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall speak of them when you sit at home, and when you walk along the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up.”
“And you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes.” Tefillah / Tefillin
Tefillah: Many prayers require their use
“And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” Mezuzah Deut. 6:4-9, 11:13-21
Mezuzah / Mezuzoth
Mezuzah / Mezuzot
Amidah or Shemoneh Esrei “18 Benedictions” actually 19… Recited quietly while standing. private prayer can be added. Prayer leader recites it again loudly.
Amidah Symbolic of the “Holy of Holies”: innermost sanctuary of the Temple. Private recitation has plural appeals to god. Individual face to face with God
Reform changes: Adds Matriarchs’ names. Sarah Rebecca Rachael Leah Resurrection replaced with God as author of life. God is more universal: god of all people, not just of Israel.
Aleinu Main prayer of closing of service. Declaration of duty to obey God. “It is our duty to praise the Master of all, to ascribe greatness to the Molder of primeval creation, ….
Morning: Shacharit Morning Blessings Shema Amidah Torah reading (Mon., Thurs., Sat. & holidays) Aleinu –Musaf: Additional service: Sabbath and Hol.
Morning Blessings Thanks for many things, including: … not making me a gentile not making me a slave not making me a woman expl. Women not bound to many mitzvoth, so men are grateful for the honour of having more commandments.
Tallit & Tzitzit
Aliyah Being asked to “come up” to bless and/or read Torah.
Afternoon Service (Minchah) Amidah Shemoneh Esrei Aleinu
Synagogue Beit Knesset House of Assembly Reform, Conservative –Structured services Orthodox: –Ref. English –Cons. Hebrew –Leader faces people
Beit Knesset Orthodox may say “Shul” = School. –“Study Torah” Reform Jews call the B.Kn “temple” Conserv. “Synagogue” most typical
Synagogue Conservative = “Synagogue” Reform = “Temple”
Orthodox “Free form”, people go at own pace Leader faces same direction as congregation Segregated: Women on one side or behind a screen. –Hebrew
Cons. & Reform Non-segragated More structured Everyday languages are used Services shorter
Issues Segregation How much like a “church” should it be? Use of pianos, organs etc allowable?
Berakhot BRK = Blessing 100 per day. Before observing Mitzvah Before material benefit Before special time, event
Rabbi Teacher Interpreter of Halakah Administrator. Officiates at ceremonies NOT a priest
Cantor / chazzan Chants prayers for congregation. Administrator. Officiates at ceremonies
Gabbai Two, assist with Torah reading.
Calendar 5763 Since the world began New Year in 7 th month…
High Holy Days (10 days) Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Other autumn festivals Sukkoth Simhat Torah.