Psychololgy 281 Learning and Behaviour Spring 2012
Dr. Snyder Syllabus, Powerpoint slides, podcasts, assignments BSP Skype: username michaelrsnyder –Psyco 281 in subject line account –Name and ID number in message –Allow up to 2 business days for response Office hours: TR 10:00-10:30, 1:30-2:00, and/or by appointment
Prerequisites Psyco 104 (or equivalent from another institution) Prerequisite, NOT co-requisite
Textbook and Reading Schedule Chance, P. (2009). Learning and behavior: Active learning edition (6th ed.). USA: Thompson Wadsworth. Roughly a chapter per class
Course Evaluation Midterm exam –25%, chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and lectures –29 May, 10:30-12:00 Final exam –35%, cumulative chapters and lectures (bias towards post-midterm material) –TBA Four Assignments –10% each –15, 22, 31 May, 7 June
Exams Exam questions are proprietary; may not copy, transcribe, photograph, etc. Sample questions will be provided on website; these are the only examples available Midterm: 75 multiple choice, 90 minutes Final: 100 multiple choice, 120 minutes
Missed Exams Serious illness (documented), medical emergency/death in immediate family, religious event Midterm: weight transferred to final Final: if deferred granted by Faculty office, write 12 July, 2012, 2:00-4:00PM, BSP-226
Assignments Short written answer, graphing, calculations, etc. Can work individually or in group of up to 2 students (no more!) Required by end of class on due date; 10% late penalty applied immediately thereafter Additional 10% penalty applied each subsequent day at 12:00 PM Submit directly to instructor or to Psychology office (BSP- 217, hours M-F 8:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00)
Grading Scheme Not graded on a curved University distributions just guidelines A+ is for exceptional performance, beyond the course level Mark (%)GradeDescriptor A+Excellent AExcellent A-Excellent B+Good BGood B-Good C+Satisfactory CSatisfactory C-Satisfactory D+Poor DMinimal pass FFailure
Posting Grades Return assignments Midterm viewing Link to grades pdf on website By ID
Appealing Grades Answer justification Assignment: keep original, submit photocopy along with justification Midterm: question number and exam code along with justification Any issues with term work must be addressed before the final exam Grades will not be reduced
Cheating, Plagiarism Detailed listing on syllabus Code of Student Behaviour Shall not represent another’s work on an assignment as his/her own Shall not submit material completed/in progress for another course without written approval Cheating on exams
Class Disruption, Cell Phones Any disruptive students will be required to leave All cell phones MUST be turned off during class time Please, no texting, surfing, video watching, etc.