Learning Styles and Long-Range Planning for the K-12 Teacher School of Education Teaching and Learning EDTE 408 Principles of Teaching
Board Work Yellow Team: –As a Team, create a poem in which you capture the essence of the main theme of today’s reading. Black Team –Create a “mime” in which you will act out the main theme of today’s reading. White Team –Create a graphic organizer in which you represent today’s reading. Red Team –Write a song which highlights the main theme of today’s reading. (You may use a tune that already exists) Mauve Team –Create a panel discussion in which the team members will discuss the main theme of today’s reading Purple Team –Write a personal reflection on what the reading for today means to you. Blue Team –Think of a visual way to depict the idea of multiple intelligences.
Board Work (Cont.) Work Quickly. ALL team members must participate in the presentation. Your team’s final product must be ready in TEN minutes
Multiple Intelligence Theory Based on the work of Howard Gardner
The Components of Intelligence A set of skills that enables an individual to resolve genuine problems encountered in one’s life. The ability to create an effective product or offer a service that is of value in one’s culture. The potential for finding or creating problems which enables an individual to acquire new knowledge. An identifiable location in the human brain for the processing of this type of thinking.
Gardner’s Eight Intelligences Verbal/Linguistic Logical/Mathematical Naturalist Bodily/Kinesthetic Visual/Spatial Musical/Rhythmic Interpersonal Intrapersonal
Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence Dimension –The ability to think in words and to use language to express and appreciate complex meanings Career Examples –Poets, Journalists, Public Speakers Things They Are Good At –Creative writing, humor/jokes, storytelling
100 WORDS Briefly skim through the 100 Words handout How many of these words do you recognize? Experts have decided that a working understanding of these words is necessary for success in college!
Logical/Mathematical Intelligence Dimension –The ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses; carry out complex mathematical operations; handle long chains of reasoning; recognize patterns and order in the world Career Examples –Mathematicians, Scientists, Detectives Things They Are Good At –Outlining, graphic organizers, calculation
Naturalist Intelligence Dimension –The capacity to observe, interpret, and construct patterns and meaning from the natural world Career Examples –National/State Park Interpreters, Naturalists, Outdoor Guides, Birders, Molecular Biologists, Rock Climbers Things They Are Good At –Sensing, Observing, Nurturing
Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence Dimension –The capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills, including both large and fine motor skills Career Examples –Athletes, Dancers, Surgeons, Craftspeople Things They Are Good At –Folk/creative dance, Physical gestures, Sports/Games
Visual/Spatial Intelligence Dimension –The ability to think in both two and three dimensions; perceive the visual world accurately; recreate, transform, or modify aspects of the world based on one’s perceptions Career Examples –Sailors, Pilots, Sculptors, Painters, Architects Things They Are Good At –Active imagination, patterns/designs, pictures
Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence Dimension –The capacity to discern and use pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone Career Examples –Composers, Conductors, Musicians, Vocalists, Sensitive Listeners Things They Are Good At –Rhythmic patterns, vocal sounds/tones, music performance
Interpersonal Intelligence Dimension –The ability to understand and interact with others effectively; notice and make distinctions among others Career Examples –Teachers, Actors, Politicians, Social Workers, Therapists, Salesperson Things They Are Good At –Intuiting others’ feelings, person-to-person communication, collaboration skills
Intrapersonal Intelligence Dimension –The capacity to understand oneself through reflective processes, including one’s thoughts and feelings Career Examples –Psychologist, Theologians, Philosophers, Spiritual Leaders Things They Are Good At –Silent reflection, thinking strategies, inventing
What About You? Take and score the MIT Every human being has a learning style and every human being has strengths. It is as individual as a signature. No learning style is better or worse than any other style. All groups – cultural, academic, male, female, etc. – include all types of learning styles. Within each culture, socio- economic strata or classroom, there are as many differences as there are between groups. Within the confines of two pages, describe your own unique learning style. You may wish to use the results of the MIT as a guide to your thinking. Due Monday, January 31.
Board Work “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me; I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” EMMA LAZARUS “The New Colossus,” Statue of Liberty Inscription Ellis island: New York Harbor 1.What does this poem mean to you? 2.How has this reality impacted American Education? 3.Discuss these questions within your home teams.
Traveling Ambassador Activity Blue Team –Multicultural Education: A Synthesis Conception Yellow Team –Examples of Multicultural Teaching Black Team –Multicultural Education: An Evolving Concept/The Controversy Purple Team –Educational Equity White Team –Before the School Year Begins Red Team –The First Four Weeks and Beyond Mauve Team –Multicultural Perspective during Student Teaching
Student Diversity Traveling Ambassadors 1.Study your material as a team. 2.Prepare a five minute presentation on the material. 3.Identify your team’s “Ambassador.” (Oldest Member) 4.Send your “Ambassador” to visit the other teams. 5.Gather information from other “Ambassadors” who visit your Team. 6.Debrief your “Ambassador” upon her/his return.
Board Work Some people have suggested that education could be improved if the planning process were centralized, occurring at the state or district level. Teachers would then be responsible for implementing preplanned units of study. This method would save teachers’ time, ensure uniform content, and provide for coordination between teachers at different grade levels. –Is this a good idea? –What advantages does it have? –What disadvantages? Discuss these ideas with your team. What does the team think? Jot down some ideas and turn them in your folder.
Standards & Benchmarks Expressing our Educational Aims and Goals
What are national standards? Statements of desired content learning outcomes Generally expressed for specific content areas Generally expressed across a range of grade bands
Who develops standards? At the national level, developed by representatives of content-area professional organizations At the state level development is guided by state departments of education
Who Uses Standards? Classroom teachers District-level consultants State-level consultants National leaders in content areas Politicians College teachers
How are standards used? To establish aims of programs of instruction To determine content of programs of instruction To guide curriculum development To guide classroom planning To design student assessments
What Are Benchmarks? Learning outcome statements which are subheadings of a specific standard Designed to provide more specific guidance about the meaning of the standard Written for specific developmental levels (grade bands)
How Are Benchmarks Used? To establish goals of programs of instruction To determine content of programs of instruction To guide curriculum development To guide classroom planning To design student performance assessments and tests
How Can I Use Standards and Benchmarks? In determining content of courses In determining content of units of instruction In writing objectives for individual lessons In planning a classroom assessment system
Where Can I Find Standards and Benchmarks For My Area? Michigan Curriculum Framework –Michigan Curriculum Frameworks Overview.ppt (SED Server)Michigan Curriculum Frameworks Overview.ppt –Michigan Curriculum Frameworks Overview (WEB )Michigan Curriculum Frameworks Overview –Michigan Standards and Benchmarks (WEB)Michigan Standards and Benchmarks Seventh-day Adventist Essential Elements – ?list_id=1¤t_page=1http://circle.adventist.org/utils/lists/index.phtml ?list_id=1¤t_page=1
Assignment: Instructional Goals Choose one content area Choose one level (Early Elementary, Later Elementary, Middle School, High School) Choose the standards/benchmarks you will use to develop your yearly plan, unit plan, lesson plans, and assessments for this course State the source where you studied these standards/benchmarks Due – Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Board Work: Preparing for your field interview How do experienced teachers plan? Your field interview with an experienced teacher should include questions dealing with planning. Some of the questions you ask could include: –Where do you begin? –What help are state and district (Union) curriculum guides? –Is there a teacher’s edition? How is it useful? As a team, create several other questions that can be used in the planning portion of your interviews.
Yearly Planning Long-range Planning With The End in Mind
Planning Model for Effective Teaching
Yearly Planning Survey available resources –Texts –Curriculum guides Create a course outline for year, semester, quarter, etc. Serves as a framework for later planning efforts
Purposes for Long-range Planning Adapts Curriculum to Fit Teacher’s Knowledge and Priorities Helps Teacher Focus on the Structure and Content Develops a Practical Schedule for Instruction
Developing a Course Plan Elementary or Secondary
Work Day/Peer Review: Next Session What To Bring: –Copies of standards/benchmarks –Curriculum Guides –Textbooks –Calendars –Course Outline Designs –Work already accomplished on assignment