Jesus: Word of God How the Quran Explains the Gospels Stan Urquhart
Jesus: Quran vs. Christians Word of God 4:171 Man Strengthened by Holy Spirit Messiah 17 times said ‘God Greater than he Word of God In form of man God Emptied self of divinity Phlp: 2:6-8 Messiah Divinity shown in: John: 1:1, 1:14, 3:16, 8:58, 10:30
Parable of the Vineyard John 15 Proves Jesus in not God God is the farmer (vintor), Jesus is vine, disciples are branches Since the vine is not the farmer, Jesus cannot be God
The Word of God Word: The Wisdom, Plan, Purpose of God -Per Jewish Encyclopedia The Word of the Lord was Joseph’s Helper -per Targums (Aramaic used by Jews circa Jesus) John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was divine -per Moffatt Bible
John 14:8 I am the way, truth, life Means ‘I am a walking Torah’, otherwise, he is a God Beside God -Per socinian research Jesus is the Word, ‘No one comes to the father except through the word’ Otherwise, denounced as Idolatry
Before Abraham was, I am John 8:58 Since God called himself ‘I AM’ in Exodus 3:14, Christians say Jesus was God In Greek, John 8:58 states Ego Emini, “I existed” Which does not identify Jesus as God
I and the Father are One (Hen) John 10:30 Greek (Hen=one). Also disciples are one with Jesus (John 17:21-22) Are Disciples God? John 10:35 - Ye are gods! Refers to Psalms 82 ‘I set ye (judges) as gods… Proves Jesus not God –There would be many Gods: Jesus, Disciples, Judges, Moses…
Begotten Son John 3:16 Greek word ‘monogenes’ = Mono + Genes – One of a kind –New International Dictionary of new Testament Theology Trinitarians Mono + Gennao – as beget to counter Unitarians Jewish Encyclopedia – ‘Son of God’ anyone Highly Righteous: David, Moses…
Belief sends them to Heaven Christians say ‘Do you Know where you are going when you die? NO, and neither do the Christians Matthew 7:21-24: Many will prophesy in my name… I will say I never knew hell Many supposed Christians going to hell Only God Knows who’s going to heaven
Did Jesus Forgive Sin? Matthew 9:6 Jesus given authority to forgive sins 9:9 ‘…glorified God, who had given such authority to men God ‘I AM’ says ‘be’ and someone does per Quran Jesus was God’s doer, agent
Trinity makes no sense Christians say God has three parts Is God divisible? Who was Jesus praying to? Christians say it only makes sense if you pray to Holy spirit to make it have sense to you—Like new age mumbo jumbo
The Comforter John 16:7 Reference to the Holy Spirit –Jewish Encyclopedia Proves Quran Verse 2:253 –Quran explains Holy Spirit descending on Jesus - John 1:32-34 As Spirit of God descends on the 70 elders -Numbers 11:25
Pagan Corruption of Bible Christ ‘I am the resurrection and the life, if you eat my body and drink my blood, you will have eternal life Quote from Pagan God Osiris in pagan ‘Book of the Dead’ 2500 BC-300 AD wikipeidia Jews prohibited from drinking blood Lev 7:27 Christian Sacrament desecrates Torah
Jesus as Sacrifice Jews sacrificed animals, Christians say Christ was human sacrifice in place God of life does not accept Human sacrifice Christians confuse Ram sacrifice of Isaac with lamb sacrifice of Passover Disciples sacrificed at temples Acts 21: 20 & Ordered to fast after Jesus left Matt9:15
Asking in Jesus Name John 16:26 ‘On that day you will ask in my name…. …and I do not tell you that I will ask the father for you.’ NO intercession!
God is not a Man God is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should repent –Numbers 23:19 And also the eternal one of Israel will not lie or change his mind; for he is not a man, that he should change his mind –1 Samuel 15:29
2 Views of Paul If Said there is Law –Law there to remember God –But heart is more important –No one can reach God through own actions- only through striving This is true If said no Law –Violates commands of Jesus disciples –False Prophet per Matthew 7:21-23 Every prophet has enemies sent after him
What we Learn from Christians Speak the language of submission Have a heart after God Commandments and duties are only there to remind us of God Commandments without heart not truly submitting Seek Allah’s love and forgiveness 42:37
Will Christians be saved? Christianity is Pagan 5:17 Those among the Christians who are honestly wrong but otherwise righteous 5:119 ‘The truthful (Christians) will be saved by their truthfulness.’
Sharing the Word of God Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (The law) that I give you…talk about when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up… 16:125 You shall invite to the path you your lord with wisdom and kind enlightenment, and debate with them in the best possible manner….