ALT-C2010 7/09/ :50 Giving you back control of your data: E-qualification system for E-portfolios Learning Societies Laboratory, School of Electronic and Computer Science, University of Southampton, UK
Thank you for coming! We have 60 minutes. What we plan to do: 14:55We will introduce the “linked data” problem and the eCert solution 15:05There will be a brief opportunity for clarification 15:10We will split into groups to discuss the possibilities and potential problems (more on this shortly) 15:35There will be time at the end to share key points from our discussions 15:45Conclusion Welcome!
What we are aiming to do What we said: “The aim of this workshop is to enable you to engage with the ideas behind our e-Certificate system, to debate the potential benefits it offers, and to work through the potential practical issues that might be encountered in the introduction of such a system into your own institution.”
The Linked Data Problem It's amazing what data exists “out there” Modern systems (my 'phone!) can access it, link it... and lose it or abuse it The “club” entry scenario It would be great if I could regain control of my data
What the eCert project is all about We began with the problem of certificates in ePortfolios Computer scientists know about transaction processing But “eCertificates” are different JISC are paying us to come up with a good solution
How the eCert project works - 1 An eCertificate: Contain three sections, digitally signed, encrypted, With build-in functions to allow usage control settings while maintain the integrity of the digital signing The state of the award, the signer and the signing key, expire time, access time, and content modification, will be validated
How the eCert project works - 2 The three stakeholders & the three subsystems Educational organization – create & issue Exam board Learner – manage & distribute Student Reviewer – view & verify Employer, HE Admissions officer
How the eCert project works - 3 eCert central system Provides management and verification services No stored eCertificates – save storage, avoid attacks Convenient access Lifetime validation
Example use cases CV with attached Maths A-Level certificate from Edexcel Evidence of work for a portfolio Sharing work with tutors, but securing access (i.e. for non-disclosure agreements) Many more….
eCert~~~~~ ~~~~~
password eCert~~~~~ ~~~~~ “Issue” + Owner controlled access values eCert~~~~~ ~~~~~ CV Zip eCert~~~~~ ~~~~~ CV Zip eCert ~~~~~~ ~~~ eCert ~~~~~~ ~~~ password
CV password eCert~~~~ ~~~~
An example Educational organization → issuing subsystemissuing subsystem Learner → management subsystemmanagement subsystem Reviewer → verification subsystemverification subsystem
What now...? Do you need to clarify anything about the eCert facility? Split up into groups. You have 25 minutes to discuss the questions on the next slide. Please make sure you record the key points of your discussion ready to share back afterwards.
Discussion Please record the key points of your discussion on the sheets provided. Groups A, E Have we a need for the eCert system in our institution? Would our students want this? Whose data is it anyway? Groups B, F Would there be problems for staff implementing this, or would this help? Are there infrastructure problems that might create difficulties? Would this be useful for other purposes? Groups D,H Have we a need for eCertificates in ePortfolios in our institution? What about the “club” scenario, would this be attractive? Whose data is it anyway? Groups C, G Would there be institutional barriers to introducing an eCert system? What gains would we foresee in using an eCert system? Would this be useful for other purposes?
Feedback: Please make sure one member of your group is ready to report back.
Conclusion Thank you for coming!