OOP Project Develop an Application which incorporates the following OO Mechanisms and Principals: – Classes Visibility Constructor(s) Class Variable (if need be) Class Method (if need be) – Inheritance – Exception Handling – Operator Overloading – Polymorphism Show, that you can work with some elements of the Standard Template Library (STL): – vector, list
OOP Project
General description of the class diagram: – Specific classes: One class is the base class of at least three derived classes The derived classes extend or change aspects of the base class Virtual functions of the base class are implemented in the derived classes
OOP Project General description of the class diagram: – Management class: Incorporates the ability to create objects of the specific classes and stores these objects Use elements of the STL as storage mechanisms: – The stored objects can be display and sorted – It can be searched for specific objects – Main function: Includes one static instance of the management class, no further source code
OOP Project General: – Each class is split into a class.cpp and class.h file (if applicable) – The test program is integrated into the management class – Groups need to deliver: Detailed project description Class diagram Source code Two PowerPoint slides (structure is given)