Human Rights: Global Perspective Tom Paolucci Andrew Haldeman
North America Prisoners Rights at Guantanamo Bay
Guantanamo Bay: Introduction “Gitmo” as it is called was taken over by the US in 1898 during the Spanish-American War. It was leased by Cuba to the US for $2000/yr. It is a 45 square mile territory separated by miles of razor-wire fence, Cuban minefields, and guards in towers with machine guns. It has it’s own water system and desalinization plant. U.S. Naval Base
During the war in Afghanistan many prisoners were taken and housed in a US military camp at Guantanamo Bay. They were placed there to be interrogated by US officials.
Flight to “Gitmo” The detainees boarded C-17 aircraft for their flight to Gitmo. They were chained to their seats. They were barred from using the toilets, with special provisions being made so they didn’t have to get up. They were shaved from head to toe.
Flight to “Gitmo” Cont. The passengers were drugged with Valium as to not pose a threat. They weren’t allowed to move at all during the 8000 mile (15 hr.) flight.
Arrival and Detainment They step off the plane one by one, dressed in turquoise blue face masks, orange ski caps and fluorescent orange jumpsuits, their hands in manacles. US officials frisk each detainee and if they resisted or fell to their knees they were picked up by their necks.
Detainment They are then photographed, fingerprinted, interrogated, and possibly tortured. As photographs have shown they are then placed on their knees facing a fence, still with shackles, handcuffs, and ski masks over their faces. They are then led through the maze of chain link fences, guard towers, and razor wire to their cells.
Detainment Cont. Their “cells” are individual 6 by 8 foot cages. The cells are protected from the elements only by a metal roof. Anyone can see, quite clearly, into the cells because the walls are made of chain link fence.
Detainment Cont. Inside the cells the detainees have buckets for toilets and a foam mat to sleep on. They have two towels on for bathing and the other to pray on. There is no privacy as the compound is lit up by arc-lights so the guards can see a prisoners every move. By the end of the day there is a faint smell of sewage and chemicals that drifts from the prison.
Cont. They are not officially charged with crimes but are not being released (as in the American penal system). Their “lawyers” are also restricted from a lot of the prosecution’s evidence for it could give away military secrets.
How can this happen? The prisoners are not considered prisoners at all. They’re officially called detainees. Because they are not prisoners of war (POWs) they are not granted the same treatment as set forth by the Geneva Convention. If they were POWs they would only be required to give their name, rank, serial number, and date of birth as opposed to photographs and fingerprints.