Fish Identification Hoover, J., Hawaii’s Fishes: A guide for snorkelers, divers and aquarists. HI: Mutual Publishing.
Angelfishes (Pomacanthidae) Flame angelfish Potter’s angelfish Feeds on algae & detritus
Bandit angelfish Feeds on sponges Masked angelfish Feeds on plankton female male
Barracudas (Sphyraenidae) piscivore
Aweoweo planktivore Bigeyes (Priacanthidae)
Zebra blenny Blennies (Blenniidae) Feed on algae and detritus
Ewa Blenny Feeds on bits of fish
Boarfishes (Pentacerotidae) Whiskered boarfish
Boxfishes (Ostraciidae) Spotted boxfish Benthic feeders of algae, sponges, tunicates, worms, & other inverts
Milletseed butterflyfish Butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae)
Rare longnose butterflyfish Feeds on inverts
Tinker’s butterflyfish Grazing opportunistic omnivore-algae, inverts, deep water coral
Raccoon butterflyfish
Ornate butterflyfish Coralivore Pyramid butterflyfish planktivore
Chubs (Kyphosidae) Highfin chub- herbivore
Hawaiian sergeant omnivorous, plankton & algae Damselfishes (Pomacentridae) Pacific Gregory- herbivore Domino damselfish- planktivore
Conger & Garden Eels (Congridae) Mustached conger eel piscivore Hawaiian garden eel Planktivore
Magnificent snake eel Snake eel (Ophichthidae)
Snowflake moray Feeds on invertebrates Morays (Muraenidae) Whitemouth moray
Dwarf moray Zebra moray Feeds on invertebrates
Dragon moray Viper moray piscivore
Fantail filefish Scribbled filefish Filefish (Monocanthidae) omnivore
Lei triggerfish Feed on invertebrates Triggerfishes (Balistidae)
Pinktail triggerfish Lagoon triggerfish Black triggerfish
Peacock flounder- feeds on benthic invertebrates Flatfishes (Bothidae &Soleidae)
Commerson’s frogfish- piscivore Frogfishes (Antennariidae)
Manybar goatfish Yellowstripe goatfish Goatfish (Mullidae) feeds on benthic invertebrates
Gobies (Gobiidae) Hawaiian sand gobyWhip or wire-coral goby Hawaiian shrimp goby planktivore
Dartfishes (Microdesmidae) Fire dartfish
Groupers & Anthias (Serranidae) Hawaiian longfin anthias Bicolor anthias planktivores
Peacock grouper Hawaiian grouper piscivores
Stocky hawkfish- piscivore Hawkfishes (Cirrhitidae) Longnose hawkfish planktivore Arceye hawkfish
Amberjack- piscivore Jacks (Carangidae)
Giant trevally
Lizardfishes (Synodontidae) Orangemouth lizardfish
Needlefish (Belonidae) omnivore
Porcupine puffer Pufferfishes & Porcupinefishes (Tetraodontidae & Diodontidae)
Stripebelly puffer Facultative omnivore- algae, inverts including coral
Parrotfish (Scaridae) Bullethead parrotfish Spectacled parrotfish herbivore
Wrasses (Labridae) Saddle wrasse
Hawaiian cleaner wrasse Dragon wrasse Bird wrasse Christmas wrasse
Yellowtail coris Psychedelic or redtail wrasse
Hawaiian turkeyfish carnivore Scorpionfishes (Scorpaenidae)
Leaf scorpionfish
Devil scorpionfish backside
Snapper (Lutjanidae) Blacktail snapper Bluestripe snapper Feeds on small fish and crustaceans
Morish idol (Zanclidae)
Lavender tang Algal grazer Surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae)
eyestripe surgeonfish
Orangeband surgeonfish
Convict tang- grazers
Achilles tang Yellow tang Whitespotted surgeonfish
Orangespine unicornfish Paletail unicornfish
Big-scale soldierfish planktivore Squirelfishes & soldierfishes (Holocentridae)
Trumpetfish piscivore Trumpetfishes (Aulostomidae)
Tuna Scombridae piscivore
blacktip reef shark Sharks (Carcharhinidae) Galapagos shark Tiger shark Whitetip reef shark
Sharks (Sphyrnidae) Scalloped hammerhead shark
Hawaiian stingray Spotted eagle ray molluscivore Manta ray (Mobulidae) planktivore