HCl, C 1  AK, PC labtop C:,..../C – contour - full-010308kmak.pxp Agust, www,..../C – contour - full-010308kmak.ppt.


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Presentation transcript:

HCl, C 1  AK, PC labtop C:,..../C – contour - full kmak.pxp Agust, www,..../C – contour - full kmak.ppt

Mass spectra normalised to H35Cl+ NB!: background signal is confusing No clear J´ dependence in Cl+ vs HCl+

I(H+)/I(H35Cl+) Vs J’ It looks as if I(H+) / I(H35Cl+) increases with J´ ! H+ signal for H35Cl+ normalised

NB!: According to -three photons are needed to form HCl+ whereas 4 photons is not enough to form H+ / 5 photons are needed to form H+ via C 1 , v´=0
