May ‘68 and Film Culture February the “Langlois” affair. “Movement of March 22,” University of Nanterre. May. Student uprisings in Paris and other cities, followed by strikes and factory closings. Estates General of Cinema August. Cahiers du cinéma, “Revolution in/through the Cinema.” June 30. De Gaulle’s center-right government returned to power. January First issue of Cinéthique.
France: the Journals
Intellectual liaisons
Influence of Tel Quel on French film theory Tel Quel’s formulation of “SLAB” theory (Saussure, Lacan, Althusser, Barthes) Semiology Psychoanalysis Deconstruction Ideology
Semiology, psychoanalysis, deconstruction Semiology The way we think about the world is inseparable from the language and images we use to represent it. Representation in the study of signs: the conventional association of an idea or concept with a sound or image. Meaning of a sign is structured by codes: a shared logic, grammar, or pattern.
Semiology, psychoanalysis, deconstruction Psychoanalysis Spectatorship and identification. Our subjective idea of self in relation to society is the product of unconscious identifications that are reinforced by the language and images circulating in our culture. Deconstruction The “revolution” in poetic language as a revolution in forms of subjectivity. Realism vs. modernism Codes of realism considered to be illusionistic. Emphasis on reflexive presentation Modernism subverts and critiques codes of realism, thereby producing knowledge of how the illusion is produced. Transformation of aesthetic language implied a potential transformation of subjectivity.
Ideology: Louis Althusser ( ) Lenin and Philosophy “Freud and Lacan” “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses” For Marx “Marxism and Humanism”
Althusser’s theory of ideology “Ideology is a ‘representation’ of the imaginary relation of individuals to the real conditions of their existence.” The importance of psychoanalysis for a materialist theory of ideology. The unconscious The Imaginary The Subject Ideological State Apparatuses” (ISAs) Identification and interpellation Negation or contradiction (Verneinung)