Que Gordita Emily Massara
Average overall obesity of Puerto Rican woman is 19.4% higher than Puerto Rican Males Woman under 25 have a 13.3% rate of obesity Women 26 to 39 have a 60.6% rate of obesity Why the increase? - cultural factors related to marriage -cultural factors related to perception -cultural factors which decided how stress is channeled -Migration -attitudes of how physical appearance reflects health -Self preservation
Cultural Factors Related to Marriage 1. weight gain reflects the husbands ability as a breadwinner 2.Gaining 15 to 20 lbs is seen as increasing shapeliness (good thing) and reflects vitality and health 3. Excelling in the role of a good wife will lead to increased exposure to food 4. Expanding Family: food represents nuturing and care of family, increased food preparation, weight gain can result from skipping breakfast 5. Pregnancy: restraint in eating seen as something that will harm the child
Cutural Factors Related to Perception Heaviness is of little negative social consequence Heaviness = Tranquility Study on perceptions of women weighing 45% more than medical ideals 10.5 % classify women as too heavy 15.3% classify women as regular 35.9% classify women as plump Conforming to medical ideals creates appearance which is incompatible with the Puerto Rican ideal wife and mother
Cultural norms contribute to how individuals channel stress Cope with stress by overeating Often attribute weight gain to use of tranquilizers (heaviness = tranquility) Eating is one of the least strict areas of life for older Puerto Rican woman This can lead to severe obesity!
Migration Given the association of heaviness with health, women may gain weight as an antidote to illness associated with colder climates The association of heaviness with tranquility might encourage woman to aspire to gain weight in new country
Body Image: What is Healthy? All the heavy women in the study conducted by Massara suffered from diseases such as diabetes and hypertension Relationship between food and health not recognized or ignored because: Disease kept under control by meds Cultural idea that heaviness and zest for life are indicators of good health and conversely that weight loss indicates poor health
Self Preservation Culturally defined obesity may help to neutralize power that men have over women Obesity leads to perception of woman as assexual Results in vibrant social life without suspicions of sexual infidelity
How to treat obesity among Puerto Rican women Family must be involved with doctor and weight loss process Behavior modification rather than alter food choices Exercise will encourage weight loss and provide outlet for stress
Method Use western measurements (etic) to quantify cultural norms and ideals (emic) Massara feels this is a good strategy to deal with health problems in ethnic communities