“Will you please tell me which way I ought to go from here “Will you please tell me which way I ought to go from here?” said Alice. “That depends a great deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don’t care much where,” said Alice. Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat. -- Lewis Carroll ---- If you don’t know where you are going, you will be lost when you get there. -- Yogi Berra
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum The Mission of a Health and Physical Education Program and Curriculum
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum To develop healthful and physically educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of good health and healthy physical activity.
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum The mission of our health and physical education curriculum is to involve students in culturally relevant and developmentally appropriate health and movement experiences that focus on learning to move and learning through health and movement.
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum To guide youngsters in the process of becoming healthy and physically active for a lifetime.
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum The mission of health and physical education in our district is to assist each child to develop attitudes, skills and knowledge of health and human movement that will result in a lifetime of good health and participation in physical activity.
It will impact the design and implementation of your curriculum. Teaching Philosophy It will impact the design and implementation of your curriculum. http://users.rowan.edu/~cone/curriculum/teachingphilosophy.html Personal Values Curriculum Theory Best Practice
Teaching Philosophy Begins with what you believe is the value and purpose of health and physical education or why is health and physical education important to a comprehensive education. What do you believe are the basic components (the broad content areas) of a quality program? A statement of how you would deliver this program.
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum Curricular Teams Go to http://users.rowan.edu/~cone/curriculum/currteams.html
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum Organize a team Determine goals based on your location Develop a scope what do you want to include in your curriculum Select specific content areas
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum Organize a team select a team facilitator - the project manager determine means of communication everyone must be an active member of the team – identify someone to record discussions insure opportunity for everyone to contribute be sure to listen, understand and find an agreed upon solution don’t delay - get started now!
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum Determine goals select the location and the environment of your school/district share your goals with your team the team selects a minimum number (based on assignment) of goals for each domain
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum Determine goals Sample goals Students will perform locomotor skills while developing body and spatial awareness in movement activities (K-5 psychomotor, pe) Students will demonstrate effective decision making in health and safety situations (6-8 psychomotor, health)
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum Determine goals Sample goals Students will be able to explain the rules and strategies of multiple team sports and apply them in the game. (9-12 cognitive, pe) Students will be able to value their life as it relates to all correlated environments and relationships in the course of realizing the importance of good character development and self-esteem. (9-12 affective, health)
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum Program Outcomes Students will be able to: 1. apply physical education to life by understanding and appreciating the benefits of physical fitness (demonstrate knowledge of the three basic principles of training and apply the FIT formula to exercising - frequency, intensity, and time).
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum 2. demonstrate knowledge and skills which better enable participation in group and team activities. 3. demonstrate knowledge and skills which better enable participation in individual, dual, and recreational sport activities
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum 4. assess health related fitness levels and participate in activities that improve health related fitness (cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition). 5. assess skill related fitness levels and participate in activities that improve skill related fitness (agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed).
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum 6. develop movement through rhythmic activities. 7. possess an awareness and respect for individual differences. 8. use behavior which is safe for self and others in all physical activities. 9. demonstrate proper social, cooperative, and competitive skills.
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum Develop a scope - What do you want to include in your health and physical education curriculum? Scope and Sequence project Develop a list of broad content areas for your curriculum. Areas such as: individual and dual sports, nutrition, fitness, wellness. This will become the scope of the program.
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum Select specific content areas that will address your scope - your broad content areas. What topics/units and specific skills/concepts will you teach. (e.g., life skills: responsibility, healthful behaviors, advocate)
Designing a Health and Physical Education Curriculum (e.g., basketball: dribbling, defending, passing, etc.) (e.g., gymnastics: rolling, balance and counter balance, center of gravity, etc.)