First Wave- Agricultural- 8000BC Second Wave- Industrial Third Wave- Informational Four1th Wave- Nano/Biotechnology 2004-???
Communication—Oral was common Family Structure- Extended family Economy—Hunting/fishing important for food Production- Solar energy, natural resources very important Education—Home schooling, individual instruction, one room schools
Politics—Individuals classified by classes
Family Structure- Nuclear families Education- Rote and repetition teaching practices Economy—Trade with foreign countries Production-Factories, assembly lines Communication—newspapers, tvs Politics- wars, strikes, crisis, and political uprisings
Economy-Global industry, supply of oil and gas Family—2 parents work, more single- parent homes and grandparents raising their grandchildren Education- secondary schools offer distance and online courses, Internet, digital networks Politics- Variety of government s such as democracies, socialism, capitalism
Communication—Twittering, texting from cell phones, computer phones, computers and laptops Production-Medical discoveries, cars with special features, science inventions,
According to Dr. Thornburg and Dr. Dede there will be a fourth wave. They have predicted that this age will include biotechnology related products that will be more durable and creative.
Dede, C. (Speaker). (2008). The Next Wave, Part 2. Laureate Education, Inc. Thornburg, D. (Speaker). (2008). The Next Wave Part 1. Laureate Eduaction, Inc. Toffler, A. (1980). The Third Wave:New York: Batam Books cambridge University Press.
Key technological advances and innovations for each decade
Hubert Booth invents the vacuum cleaner in 1901 The Wright brothers’ heavier-than-air Kitty Hawk in 1903 Thomas Edison invents the first talking motion picture in 1910 Charles Strite invents the Pop Up toaster in 1919
Garrett A. Morgan invents a traffic signal in 1923 The mechanical television was invented by John Logie Baird in 1925 1932 Edward Herbert Land invented the Polaroid 1933 Edwin Howard Armstrong created the Frequency modulation (FM)
John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry built the first electronic digital computer in 1942 1946 Percy Spencer invented the microwave oven Charles Ginsburg invented the first video tape recorder in 1951 Fortran computer language was invented in 1957
Audio cassette BASIC computer language was invented by John George Kemeny and Tom Kurtz Robert Metcalfe and Xerox invented ethernet in 1973 Cell phones
the first IBM-PC was invented the Apple Macintosh was invented the pentium processor Web TV invented
Apple computers announced their portable music digital player the iPod Cell phones advancement
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The nature of work: Business and corporate philosophies
24 million U.S. registered workers age 10 and above in 1900 Only 19% of women of working age participated in the work force 1913 The U.S. government establishes the Department of Labor 1919 a record 4 million workers strike
1920 Farm organization set up lobbies in Washington 1929 Stock market crashes on October 24 known as “Black Thursday” The Great Depression begins 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act establishes the minimum wage
1947 American investments abroad reached an all time high of 26.7 billion 1949 Fair Labor Standards Act outlaws child labor percent of U.S. women worked outside the home the first Xerox copy machined was produced
1963 Congress passes the Equal Pay Act 1969 the first automated teller machine begins operating in Rockville Centre, N.Y 1975-Founding of Microsoft 1970s- Watergate affair
Unemployment averages 7.1 percent On January 1, the average car costs $7,574 Google was founded 1990s- Inception of the internet for commerce
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Educational theories of learning and instruction
John Dewey interpreted the method of empirical science in educational terms 1902 Edward Thorndike offered the 1 st course in educational measurements at Columbia University Frederic Burk developed on of the 1 st systems of individual instruction at the San Francisco State Normal School in 1912 Washburne’s Winnetka Plan was developed in 1919
Henry Clinton Morrison’s Morrison Plan ( ) Lewin’s Field Theory and Science of Instruction were experimented in the late 1920s Ralph W. Tyler Eight Year Study use of general and behavioral objectives and formative evaluation William Bagley writes Education and Emergent Man
1946 Edgar Dale developed the Cone of Experience 1949 Ralph Tyler publishes Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction 1954 B.F. Skinner publishes The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching 1956 Benjamin Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was established 1969 First broadcast of Sesame Street 70’s –Criterion Referenced Instruction (CRI) is introduced by Robert Mager Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak desige the Apple I computer
1983 Howard Gardner publishes Multiple Intelligences 1983 MD Merrill established the Component Display Theory 1995 Bernie Dodge and Tom March developed Webquest 1990s use of multimedia in instruction
Jeroen J G van Merrienboer refines the Four Component Instructional Design System David Wiley develops Learning Object Design and Sequencing Theory (LODAS). ject_step= ject_step=26137
Nature of society and culture: What key events determined the thinking of the decade?
1903 Orville Wright heavier-than-air machine flight st successful human blood transfusion 1916 Americas worst polio epidemic 1918 Spanish influenza killed over 500,000-U.S. worst single epidemic
th Amendment to the Constitution granting women the right to vote 1928 Walt Disney dreams up Mickey Mouse The Empire State Building was completed 1938 Cloning envisioned by Dr. Hans Spemann in Germany
World War II 1945 first vaccine for influenza 1954 Brown v. BOE of Topeka Kansas 1958 Bank of America issued the first bank credit card, BankAmericard (now Visa)
1963 the assassination of John F. Kennedy 1965 Executive Order enforces affirmative action for first time 1963 the assassination of John F. Kennedy 1965 Executive Order enforces affirmative action for first time
1982 Michael Jackson releases Thriller 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger disaster 1993 “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy is instituted for the U.S. Military 1999 Columbine High School massacre
Vermont becomes the first state in the country to legally recognize civil unions between gay or lesbian couples George W. Bush accepts the presidency after Florida ballot controversy
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1905-Russian Revolution begins nd Haque Peace Conference Balkan Wars World War I th Amendment ratified (Women’s suffrage) Adolf Hitler’s “Beer Hall Putsch” in Munich fails 1930s-Great Depression Uprise of Facism in the 1930s World War II ( ) Declaration of United Nations signed in Washington 1945 the U.S. and Soviet Union emerged as powerful nations Korean War ( ) Vietnam War( ) The Great Chinese Famine ( ) 1961 U.S. breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba President Nixon Watergate Scandal 1973 Roe v. Wade
Global warming awareness starts in the 80s The U.S. developed the Space Shuttle program in 1981 Operation Desert Storm Persian Gulf War ( ) /11 Terrorist attack in New York. This changed the United States view on terrorists attacks. The country passed stricter laws governing travel.
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