1 CES IASSIST 2002, 11 - 15 June 2002 University of Connecticut MetaNet: Standardising Statistical Metadata Methodology Karen Brannen University of Edinburgh,


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Presentation transcript:

1 CES IASSIST 2002, June 2002 University of Connecticut MetaNet: Standardising Statistical Metadata Methodology Karen Brannen University of Edinburgh, UK

2 CES IASSIST 2002, June 2002 University of Connecticut Overview l Background l Approach l Progress to date l Future work l Where next?

3 CES IASSIST 2002, June 2002 University of Connecticut Background l ‘Thematic Network’ l Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme l Fifth Framework Research Programme of European Commission l IST l ‘A network of excellence for harmonising and synthesising the development of statistical metadata’ l Started officially November 2000

4 CES IASSIST 2002, June 2002 University of Connecticut Organisational Approach l Facilitate maximal exchange of ideas and contributions l Allow small groups to »focus on particular issues »bring forward recommendations l Dissemination activities: via the Web, conferences, etc l Two conferences, targeted at different audiences »Kick-off Conference held in April 2001 with nearly 70 delegates »Final Conference (Spring 2003): dissemination to about 100 delegates l 4 work groups

5 CES IASSIST 2002, June 2002 University of Connecticut Consortium l University of Edinburgh (co-ordinator) l Statistics Netherlands (leading WG1) l University of Vienna (leading WG2) l Statistics Sweden (leading WG3) l Statistics Norway (leading WG4) l University of Athens l Survey and Statistical Computing

6 CES IASSIST 2002, June 2002 University of Connecticut Further participants l 12 fully signed up members »Small contribution to costs of participation l 3 receiving funding for attending meetings only l Associate members receiving no contribution l All have same status l Participate in the project meetings, and contribute to the reports of the Working Groups l Numbers in Working Groups kept reasonably small l Room for a few extra people, if they are interested

7 CES IASSIST 2002, June 2002 University of Connecticut Kick-off conference l Nearly seventy participants »Much higher than expected l Wide variety of backgrounds: »NSIs, academic and research institutions, the software industry, data archives, banks and health organisations. l Wide geographical distribution: »European Union, the USA, Canada, Israel, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Norway, Slovenia, and international organisations. l More than the anticipated number expressed interest in contributing to the network

8 CES IASSIST 2002, June 2002 University of Connecticut Four Working Groups l WG1: establish a methodology and tools for communication »Overview of technical aids to metadata representation l WG2: establish and unify current practice »A report on the nature of metadata and how these concepts can be used in practice l WG3: establish best practices for adopting the outcome of WGs 1 & 2 »Reference book for metadata standards and methodology l WG4: recommend how WG3 results can be implemented in practice »A training manual for the adoption of metadata standards and systems

9 CES IASSIST 2002, June 2002 University of Connecticut WG1: Overview of technical aids l Dimensions of statistical metadata (agreed with WG2) »Structures »Lifecycle »Roles of metadata »Usage type »User functionality l Tools »Levels of abstraction »Modelling languages »Communication and storage languages »Software supporting modelling and communication »Methodological approach to terminology

10 CES IASSIST 2002, June 2002 University of Connecticut WG1 Overview continued: Metadata models l Possible Typologies l Description of existing models »General Standards for metadata content and modelling ­DDI, Dublin Core, CWM, CMR, ISO11179 etc »Specific Standards ­Bank of Italy, SDDS, GDDS etc »General purpose software with a relevant metadata aspect ­Spreadsheets, relational databases etc »Statistical software with a metadata component ­SPSS, Blaise, Nesstar etc »Software for statistical metadata management ­Triple-S, GESMES, ComeIn etc

11 CES IASSIST 2002, June 2002 University of Connecticut WG2: A conceptual framework for describing statistical metadata l Identified five dimensions for describing statistical metadata »Now agreed with WG1 l Structure l Life-cycle l Role l Usage type l User functionality

12 CES IASSIST 2002, June 2002 University of Connecticut WG2: A conceptual framework (cont). l The space identified by these five dimensions is not uniformly covered l A number of metadata models cover the requirements of specific processes in detail »GESMES for exchange »Banca d’Italia model for modification »TADEQ for production l No single model embraces all types of processing l Work includes identifying the gaps

13 CES IASSIST 2002, June 2002 University of Connecticut WG3 & WG4: Next Steps l Work Groups 3 and 4 now beginning their work »Taking forward work of Work Groups 1 and 2 »Recommendations on best practices for adapting to recommended metadata models and standards ­Now begun to outline a handbook on strategies, methods, and tools for implementing a metainformation system in a statistical organisation »Address the practical issues faced in moving to the recommended best practices ­Discussions with ‘real’ users regarding implementation »Meeting in Oslo in October presenting progress and plans l Final conference in Spring 2003, in Athens

14 CES IASSIST 2002, June 2002 University of Connecticut Feedback l Future of the network »Funding ends early next year »What next? l Any opinions ? »Anything in this presentation »Anything on the web sites »Any ideas for inclusion in the work »Any ideas for future of the network

15 CES IASSIST 2002, June 2002 University of Connecticut Further information l »Published reports of the network »Resource section ­Terminology database ­Publications ­Other reference material l Mailing list via registration at web site above l Password to interested parties web site via public web site l