Surface Water Simulation Group
Comprehensive watershed scale model developed and supported by the USDA-ARS capable of simulating surface and groundwater hydrology under different management practices in hydrologically complex watersheds.
Applications US-EPA BASINS Multipurpose Environmental Analysis System for Performing Watershed and Water Quality Studies System for Supporting Development of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL’s). SWAT Included in Basins 3.0
Applications Assessment of CAFOs on Water Quality Hydrologic and Water Quality Impacts resulting from Land Use Change within Watersheds Assessing Impact of Climate Change
SWAT Watershed System Channel/Flood Plain Processes
Cells Subwatersheds Hydrologic Response Units Output from other Models - EPIC, SWAT Point Sources - Treatment Plants Possible Configurations
SWAT Strengths Upland Processes Comprehensive Hydrologic Balance Physically-Based Inputs Plant Growth – Rotations, Crop Yields Nutrient Cycling in Soil Land Management - BMP Tillage, Irrigation, Fertilizer, Pesticides, Grazing, Rotations, Subsurface Drainage, Urban-Lawn Chemicals, Street Sweeping
Continuous Time Daily Time Step (Sub-hourly) One Day to Hundreds of Years Readily available input – Physically based Distributed Parameter Unlimited Number of Subwatersheds Comprehensive – Process Interactions Simulate Management General Description
Root Zone Shallow Aquifer Unsaturated Zone Confining Layer Deep Aquifer Precipitation Evaporation and Transpiration Infiltration/plant uptake/ Soil moisture redistribution Surface Runoff Lateral Flow Return Flow Revap from shallow aquifer Percolation to shallow aquifer Recharge to deep aquifer Flow out of watershed Hydrologic Balance
Surface Water Modeling Group Project Objectives Develop a methodology to simulate the surface water hydrology and percolation below the rooting zone of multiple combinations of land, soils, management practices, and climatic conditions across Michigan in support of the IWBA DSS. Develop a methodology to simulate the surface water hydrology and percolation below the rooting zone of multiple combinations of land, soils, management practices, and climatic conditions across Michigan in support of the IWBA DSS. Provide a database of spatially explicit recharge values Provide a database of spatially explicit recharge values
Multidimensional Recharge Array Recharge Value for Recharge Value for Climate Zone 1 Climate Zone 1 Land Cover Type Soil Type Management Practice Recharge (mm/yr) % Frequency
Tasks Watershed Hydrology Validation Watershed Hydrology Validation Augusta Creek Augusta Creek Selection of Pertinent Land Covers / Management Practices Selection of Pertinent Land Covers / Management Practices Model Sensitivity Model Sensitivity Soil Type Soil Type Management Practices Management Practices Climate Climate Development of Recharge Value Database Development of Recharge Value Database PDF Development PDF Development
Watershed Validation Augusta Creek Small watershed near KBS Small watershed near KBS 38.9 mi mi 2 Available data for surface water, groundwater, and ecological modeling teams Available data for surface water, groundwater, and ecological modeling teams Watershed will be used to validate modeling approaches Watershed will be used to validate modeling approaches
Data Requirements and Sources STATSGO Soils database STATSGO Soils database 30m MDNR land cover data (2001) 30m MDNR land cover data (2001) 30m USGS digital elevation model 30m USGS digital elevation model Climatic data (KBS – NWS station) Climatic data (KBS – NWS station) Observed surface water data (1980 – 2000) Observed surface water data (1980 – 2000) USGS gaging station on Augusta Creek USGS gaging station on Augusta Creek
Augusta Creek Landuse and Soil Distribution Area [ha] Area [acres] %Wat.Area Area [ha] Area [acres] %Wat.Area WATERSHED: LANDUSE: Pasture-->PAST Pasture-->PAST Range-Grasses-->RNGE Range-Grasses-->RNGE Water-->WATR Water-->WATR Wetlands-Forested-->WETF Wetlands-Forested-->WETF Wetlands-Mixed-->WETL Wetlands-Mixed-->WETL Wetlands-Non-Forested-->WETN Wetlands-Non-Forested-->WETN Kentucky Bluegrass-->BLUG Kentucky Bluegrass-->BLUG Forest-Deciduous-->FRSD Forest-Deciduous-->FRSD Forest-Evergreen-->FRSE Forest-Evergreen-->FRSE Agricultural Land-Row Crops-->AGRR Agricultural Land-Row Crops-->AGRR Orchard-->ORCD Orchard-->ORCD SOIL: MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI
Augusta Creek Simulations
Land Use Impact
Land Use / Soil Type Combinations Average Annual Runoff (mm) 862 mm of rainfall Soil Type CropSpinksParkhill Corn Forest1341
Land Use / Soil Type Combinations Average Baseflow (mm) 862 mm of rainfall Soil Type CropSpinksParkhill Corn32042 Forest40466
Where to go from here? Have the ability to perform a water balance on every soil in the state. Have the ability to perform a water balance on every soil in the state. Available long-term daily weather data (100+ yrs) distributed across the climate regions of the state. Available long-term daily weather data (100+ yrs) distributed across the climate regions of the state. Need to finalize land use – management combinations Need to finalize land use – management combinations Begin mass simulations of combinations of soil / landuse / climate Begin mass simulations of combinations of soil / landuse / climate Quality control – result analysis Quality control – result analysis