KDUST Supernova Cosmology Lifan Wang CCAA
Key Problems Absolute photometric precision to 1%? Relative photometric precision to ??? K-correction Extinction Intrinsic evolution Nearby Cepheid calibration
Survey Field SDSS calibration – is it good enough? SPT field DES calibration – need to communicate with DES on their calibration precision and wavelength LSST overlap IR photometry to 1%? How?
Survey Cadence LSST simulation pipeline Deep field? Shallow field?
New Sciences with SNIa Strong lensing, Hubble constant Weak lensing of SNIa Mass sheet degeneracy Dark matter halo around clusters Dark matter halo around galaxies Metallicity evolution Star formation
Pre-KDUST AST3+KPT KDUST About 1000 Nearby SN with nightly spectroscopy KDUST Narrow field - Over a 10 sq degrees of complete SN mapping Wide field – Over 100 square degrees of less dense coverage
For Mission Updates http://aag.bao.ac.cn/ - updates at NAOC http://kdust.org - latest on KDUST http://dome-a.physics.tamu.edu/~lifanwang http://ccaa.pmo.ac.cn/
The Collaborating Institutes The project will be coordinated by CCAA, whose member institutes include: PMO, NAOC, NIAOT, IHEP, PRIC, and more … International partners interested in the project: LBNL, Texas A&M University, Johns Hopkins University, and JPL.
Project Goals Engineering pathfinder to cope with technical challenges Site verification telescope to derive important data on seeing, sky background, and the overall stability of the site Forefront astronomical study in dark energy, dark matter, black holes, stellar structures, and extrasolar planets
Basic Characteristics 1 meter aperture Fully steerable, with pointing accuracy to within one arc second Routine high quality imaging at seeing of ~0.3 arc seconds Optical spectroscopy Near infrared imaging from 1000-3500 nm.
Project Schedule Conceptional Design 2009-2011 Telescope construction 2010-2012 Integration and testing 2012-2013 First light at Dome A 2013-2014
Technical and Scientific Projects Telescope: built by NIAOT First generation instruments: IFU and NIR Camera Second generation instruments: PI instruments PI sciences
PI Instruments and PI Sciences Supernova Cosmology Asteroseismology Extrasolar Planets Black holes Time domain astronomy – GRBs, supernovae, novae, etc. Strong lensing The PIs will be in charge of successful execution of relevant science projects. CCAA will form review panels to evaluate the feasibility of PI instruments and related science projects.
Supernova Cosmology Observations of 800 Type Ia supernovae at red shift between 0.03-0.08 There are less than 100 well observed SNIa today, most of them with poor spectral coverage KPT will improve the situation by at least a factor of 10. This paves the road for future dark energy programs such as JDEM, LSST, and KDUST KPT is the necessary first step in building up the distance ladder for cosmological probes
AST3 Kim et al. 2010
AST3 Kim et al. 2010
AST3 Kim et al. 2010
KPT-IFU Kim et al. 2010
KPT-IFU Kim et al. 2010
KPT-SLITLESS Kim et al. 2010
KPT-SLITLESS Kim et al. 2010
KPT-NIRCAM Kim et al. 2010
KDUST Dense field Porous field Dark energy constraints Rates of various events Observational simulation – cadence etc Porous field What’s for? Dark energy constraints Dark matter constraints
KDUST Over 10,000 SNIa a day Many many more SNII, SNIbc, … Orphan GRBs Exposure time calculator: http://dome-a.physics.tamu.edu/~lifanwang More updates in the future: http://kdust.org
KDUST(8m) Multiply the exposure time by a factor of 4 to get the exposure time for a 4 meter KDUST Kim et al. 2010
KDUST(8m) Kim et al. 2010
Summary 1. A self-contained search and survey over five years can yield a spectrophotometric time series of 1000 z < 0.08 supernovae. 2. These can serve to anchor the Hubble diagram and quantify the relationship between luminosities and heterogeneities within the Type Ia supernova class,reducing systematics. 3. Larger aperture (&4-m) telescopes are capable of discovering supernovae shortly after explosion out to z~3. 4. These can be fed to space telescopes, and can isolate systematics and extend the redshift range over which we measure the expansion history of the universe. Kim et al. 2010