Usermanual RadioMarche NGO (en) dd
Aim You enter market data, every day/week System will run for 6 months Provide feedback every month to Sahel Eco
1: Your tasks 1: start-up 2: Enter data 3: Create communique for radiostation Give us feedback!
1: Start up Go to SahelEco Unlock the Laptop – Password: voices If no login form: click on logo: Username: saheleco Password: saheleco Press on [Login]
2. Enter data Home screen Edit data delete data
Homescreen Shows template of products Modify/enter new data or remove Enter new market information Enter new market information Enter your comments on the system Logout from the system View your commu- niques
Edit / new product Enter required information per product Enter required information per product Press on [proposez Nouvelle Entree]
3a. Create communique 2. Click on creer communique 1. Make selection 3. Listen to generated communique 4. Send to radio
3b. View communiques (Com Store) Communique information Listen to generated communique Preview the communique
3c. Preview one communiques (print) Communique information Print using browser: File->Print… Print using browser: File->Print…
4. Send an SMS (1) Click on 2CN Office Route Login with Admin / 2m
4. Send an sms (2) Click on messaging
4. Send an sms (3) Click on messaging
4. Send an sms (4) Add number ORTM: __________ Mountain:__________ Add number ORTM: __________ Mountain:__________
4. Provide feedback Please provide feedback on the system
What if If you cannot find the system, press on Laptop locekd, use Password: Voices Machine is off? – Check all cables – Press on power Cannot login – Check your username/password Otherwise contact Sahel Eco: (Mister Tangara)
Contact What do you think of the system? Other services? Please let us know Contact Sahel Eco: (Mister Tangara)
Thank you!