Average Weekly Hours, Manufacturing
Identification of DAWHMAN Histogram Correlogram Unit root Test
Model: Conjecture and Estimation
Estimation excluding last 12 months of data
MorganHansenar(1)ar(4)ma(3)ma(4).289 JeffLeear(3)ma(1)ma(9).291 JuliannShanar(1)ar(3)ar(4)ma(9).287 DanHellingar(1)ar(3)ma(4)ma(9).288 MattMullensar(3)ma(1)ma(3)ma(9).288 ChrisStroudma(1)ma(3)ma(9).288 BrooksAllenar(3)ma(1)ma(3)ma(9).288
Forecast for last 12 months of data
Initial Condition, recoloring
Recolored Within Sample Forecast
Estimation for Full Period
Model Validation Actual, fitted and residual dawhman Correlogram of residual Histogram of residual Serial correlation test
Forecast for Remainder of 2009
Forecast of Month to Month Change
Initial condition
Lessons No single “correct” model, many “correct” Use show command to embellish view of the forecast Estimate at the prewhitened level. Illustrate at the cognitive level, i.e. recolor Value of forecasts: Observing what you do not expect!
As Bernanke Says: “The economy will be slow to recover”