1 Questions? CSSE 490 - Requirements Steve Chenoweth Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering RHIT Session 9 – Wed, Aug 8, 2007 Below – From.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Questions? CSSE Requirements Steve Chenoweth Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering RHIT Session 9 – Wed, Aug 8, 2007 Below – From ID Ch 15 – Return on investment in usability testing – How many evaluators is the right number?

2 Questions? Today Discuss the 2 assignments you just did. Next week’s assignment – The presentation. Acceptance testing – a quick review. Evaluating ID products. Usability testing. Inspections. Exam 2.

3 Questions? The improved prototypes What was easy to follow my process suggestions? What was the toughest part? How much did it change? Does it feel “finished”?

4 Questions? The improved user interface Did peer input help? Did you make other changes? How did coordinating with your peers go? Is your result useful?

5 Questions? Next week’s assignment – The presentation Let’s look at it. You’ll be providing your peers in class with new information about testing: –How you’d do acceptance testing –How you’d do usability testing

6 Questions? Acceptance testing – a quick review This was Ch 26 in the Req book. Key is your use cases -- It’s 1 use case  many test cases (Why?) For quality attributes – Create a test case based on each scenario you did What you present next week -- These should look like the outline of each test case. (Probably lacking some details.)

7 Questions? What does a (short) acceptance test look like? This one’s from a senior project. It involves users, but doesn’t have to! It’s a “negative” test – note how it tests error conditions! Don’t do quite this much – do like an outline of this! How many?  See assignment Test Cases for Use Case: Start Page Test Case Id Scenari o DescriptionCondition: Entered all required information Expected Result Don’t enter any informationNoWarning for each required item not entered Don’t enter NameNoWarning Don’t enter Employee #NoWarning Don’t enter DeptNoWarning Don’t enter Phone Ext.NoWarning Don’t enter AddressNoWarning Don’t enter Purpose for Request NoWarning Don’t enter Project #YesContinue flow Don’t enter DateYesContinue flow Don’t enter request typeNoWarning ScenarioOriginAlternate Flow 1Home pageEnter information in start page, click “Continue”

8 Questions? And what do usability tests look like? Pretty similar (since the above one was for a user activity). We’ll talk more about this tonight – Ch 14 in ID Two files of examples (which also could be considered acceptance tests), under Handouts: –sample_validation_test_cases.html and –TestCaseExample- SQAReadingAssessmentTestCase4_ htm

9 Questions? Today’s ID topics (includes usability testing) Ch 11: Design, prototyping and construction - Was “read on your own” Ch 12: Introducing evaluation Ch 13: An evaluation framework Ch 14: Usability testing and field studies Ch 15: Analytical evaluation ID slides are in separate files.

10 Questions? Example we’ll use, once again, as a “vehicle” for class discussion today “Design a text messaging system for people to use as they drive their cars.” Here’s our guy: Left - Here’s the problem: Political consultant Daniel Cence says he is trying to curb the impulse to text-message and read his s while he is driving, after having an accident while texting. (Essdras M. Suarez/ Globe Staff). From 07/05/27/behind_the_wheel_on_the_phone_styling_hair/. 07/05/27/behind_the_wheel_on_the_phone_styling_hair/

11 Questions? And…Let’s look at Exam 2 It’s out there under Quizzes Or reachable from the Schedule