Exercises on requirements modeling and model checking
Model checking exercise: 1 Draw a CTL model with a single initial state S0 such that the formula AF(p q) EG( q) is true in S0 and the formula EF( p q) is false in S0. Does such a model exist?
Model checking exercise: 2 Draw a CTL model with a single initial state S0 such that the formula EF(p q) AG( q) is true in S0 and the formula EF( p q) is false in S0. Does such a model exist?
Model checking exercise: 3 Draw a CTL model with a single initial state S0 such that the formula AG (p) EF( p) is true in S0. Does such a model exist?
Conceptual Modeling Exercise Draw an i*model of a university student information system. It must handle admissions, academic records, enrolments, fees, graduations and alumni management. Provide examples of requirements that you cannot model in i* but can in UML and vice versa, with reference to UML use case diagrams, state diagrams and sequence diagrams.
i* Notation
A Strategic Dependency model for computer based training system
Strategic Rationale model for computer based training system