Sequence alignment & Substitution matrices By Thomas Nordahl & Morten Nielsen
Sequence alignment 1.Sequence alignment is the most important technique used in bioinformatics 2.Infer properties from one protein to another 1.Homologous sequences often have similar biological functions 3.Most information can be deduced from a sequence if the 3D-structure is known 4.3D-structure determination is very time consuming (X-ray, NMR) 1.Several mg of pure protein is required (> 100mg) 2.Make crystal, solve structure, 1-3 years 3.Large facilities are needed to produce X-ray 1.Rotating anode or synchrotron 5.Determining primary sequence is fast, cheap 6.Structure more conserved than sequence
Sequence alignment M V S T A M L T S A Antal identiske aa, % id ? Alignment score using identity matrix? Similar aa can be substituted therefore other types of substitution matrices are used. MVSTA M10000 V01000 S00100 T00010 A00001
Blosum & PAM matrices Blosum matrices are the most commonly used substitution matrices. Blosum50, Blosum62, blosum80 PAM - Percent Accepted Mutations PAM-0 is the identity matrix. PAM-1 diagonal small deviations from 1, off- diag has small deviations from 0 PAM-250 is PAM-1 multiplied by itself 250 times.
Blocks Database
BLOSUM = BLOck SUbstitution Matrices Focus on conserved domains, MSA's (multiple sequence alignment) are ungapped blocks. Compute pairwise amino acid alignment counts –Count amino acid replacement frequencies directly from columns in blocks –Sample bias: Cluster sequences that are x% similar. Do not count amino acid pairs within a cluster. Do count amino acid pairs across clusters, treating clusters as an "average sequence". Normalize by the number of sequences in the cluster. BLOSUM x matrices –Sequences that are x% similar were clustered during the construction of the matrix.
Log-odds scores BLOSUM is a log-likelihood matrix: Likelihood of observing j given you have i is –P(j|i) = P ij /P i The prior likelihood of observing j is –Q j, which is simply the frequency The log-likelihood score is –S ij = 2log 2 (P(j|i)/log(Q j ) = 2log 2 (P ij /(Q i Q j )) –Where, Log 2 (x)=log n (x)/log n (2) –S has been normalized to half bits, therefore the factor 2
An example N AA = 14 N AD = 5 N AV = 5 N DA = 5 N DD = 8 N DV = 2 N VA = 5 N VD = 2 N VV = 2 1: VVAD 2: AAAD 3: DVAD 4: DAAA P AA = 14/48 P AD = 5/48 P AV = 5/48 P DA = 5/48 P DD = 8/48 P DV = 2/48 P VA = 5/48 P VD = 2/48 P VV = 2/48 Q A = 8/16 Q D = 5/16 Q V = 3/16 MSA
Example continued Q A =0.50 Q D =0.31 Q V =0.19 Q A Q A = 0.25 Q A Q D = 0.16 Q A Q V = 0.09 Q D Q A = 0.16 Q D Q D = 0.10 Q D Q V = 0.06 Q V Q A = 0.09 Q V Q D = 0.06 Q V Q V = 0.03 P AA = 0.29 P AD = 0.10 P AV = 0.10 P DA = 0.10 P DD = 0.17 P DV = 0.04 P VA = 0.10 P VD = 0.04 P VV = : VVAD 2: AAAD 3: DVAD 4: DAAA MSA
So what does this mean? Q A Q A = 0.25 Q A Q D = 0.16 Q A Q V = 0.09 Q D Q A = 0.16 Q D Q D = 0.10 Q D Q V = 0.06 Q V Q A = 0.09 Q V Q D = 0.06 Q V Q V = 0.03 P AA = 0.29 P AD = 0.10 P AV = 0.10 P DA = 0.10 P DD = 0.17 P DV = 0.04 P VA = 0.10 P VD = 0.04 P VV = 0.04 BLOSUM is a log-likelihood matrix: S ij = 2log 2 (P ij /(Q i Q j )) S AA = 0.44 S AD =-1.17 S AV = 0.30 S DA =-1.17 S DD = 1.54 S DV =-0.98 S VA = 0.30 S VD =-0.98 S VV = 0.49
The Scoring matrix ADV A D V : VVAD 2: AAAD 3: DVAD 4: DAAA MSA
And what does the BLOSUMXX mean? Cluster sequence Blocks at XX% identity To statistics only across clusters Normalize statistics according to cluster size A) B) AV AP AL VL AV GL GV } min XX % identify
And what does the BLOSUMXX mean? A) B) AV AP AL VL AV GL GV
And what does the BLOSUMXX mean? High Blosum values mean high similarity between clusters –Conserved substitution allowed Low Blosum values mean low similarity between clusters –Less conserved substitutions allowed
BLOSUM80 A R N D C Q E G H I L K M F P S T W Y V A R N D C Q E G H I L K M F P S T W Y V = 9.4 = -2.9
BLOSUM30 A R N D C Q E G H I L K M F P S T W Y V A R N D C Q E G H I L K M F P S T W Y V = 8.3 = -1.16