LCLS – the Initial Scientific Teams and Thrusts AMO scienceLou DimauroNora Berrah Coherent scattering of Brian StephensonKarl Ludwig nanoscale fluctuationsGerhard Grübel Diffraction studies of Kelly GaffneyDavid Reis stimulated dynamicsJörgen Larsson (pump-probe)T. Tschentscher Anders Nilsson Nano-particle and single Janos HajduHenry Chapman molecule (non-periodic) John Miao imagingJan Lüning High energy Dick LeePhil Heimann density science t=0 t= Aluminum plasma classical plasma dense plasma high density matter G=1 Density (g/cm -3 ) G =10 G =100 team leader co-team leader(s) LUSI and LCLS Science
LCLS – the Initial Scientific Teams and Thrusts AMO scienceLou DimauroNora Berrah Coherent scattering of Brian StephensonKarl Ludwig nanoscale fluctuationsGerhard Grübel Diffraction studies of Kelly GaffneyDavid Reis stimulated dynamicsJörgen Larsson (pump-probe)T. Tschentscher Anders Nilsson Nano-particle and single Janos HajduHenry Chapman molecule (non-periodic) John Miao imagingJan Lüning High energy Dick LeePhil Heimann density science t=0 t= Aluminum plasma classical plasma dense plasma high density matter G=1 Density (g/cm -3 ) G =10 G =100 team leader co-team leader(s) LUSI and LCLS Science