P07202: Motor Module – Robotic Platform 100kg Robert Saltarelli:Project Manager Erich Hauenstein:Mechanical Member Dustin Collins:Mechanical Member Jasen Lomnick:Mechanical Member Saul Rosa:Electrical Member Derrick Lee:Electrical Member Muhammad Moazam:Electrical Member Vincent Capra:Electrical Member
P07202: Project Description Detachable motor modules capable of moving payloads up to 100 kg Market: future senior design teams needing a reliable robotic platform High Level customer needs - ScalablePlatform capable of payload up to 1,000kg - SpeedMust have a max speed of at least 3 m/s - Open Source DesignAll components must be of original design or Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) items -
P07202: Current State of Design Design meets all of customer needs Design meets engineering specifications except: - Max speed was reduced from 4.5 to 3 m/s (for safety) - Braking distance (TBD during test phase) Erich – put in the budget stuff
P07202: Mechanical Concept Selection
P07202: Electrical Concept Selection
Technical Risk Assessment Top Risk –Structural failure –Communication Failure Mitigation –Finite Element Analysis –Fatigue\Stress Analysis –Standard Protocol\Hardware Between teams
Project Schedule MSD II
Design Concept