Current status of the ICESTAR project during the IPY Akira Kadokura Upper Atmospheric Science Group National Institute of Polar Research National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR) NIPR symposium 3-4 Aug. 2006
IPY 1st IPY (International Ploar Year) ( ) 12 countries participated 2nd IPY ( ) 40 countries participated IGY ( ) 67 countries & 80,000 scientists countries Common instruments and data processing Established the WDC system IPY (March March 2009) ICSU and WMO cosponsoring ICSU : The International Council for Science WMO : World Meteorological Organization
Objectives of IPY Utilise the vantage point of the polar regions to carry out an intensive and internationally coordinated research activities and observations. Leave a legacy of observing sites, facilities and systems to support ongoing polar research and monitoring Strengthen and enhance international collaboration and co- operation in polar regions research and monitoring Address both polar regions and their global interactions Link researchers across different fields to address questions and issues lying beyond the scope of individual disciplines Ensure data collected under the IPY are made available in an open and timely manner Attract, engage and develop a new generation of polar researchers, engineers and logistics experts Engage the awareness, interest and understanding of schoolchildren, the general public …..
ICESTAR / IHY ICESTAR: Interhemispheric Conjugacy Effects in Solar-Terrestrial and Aeronomy Research IHY: International Heliophysical Year Presented as Expression of Intent (EoI) for IPY Merged into ICESTAR/IHY as one of the core projects. Title of activity : ICESTAR/IHY - Interhemispheric Conjugacy in Geospace Phenomena and their Heliospheric Drivers ICESTAR co-chairs: Kirsti Kauristie (FMI) Allan Weatherwax (Siena College)
Four Thematic Action Groups of ICESTAR A. Quantify and understand the similarities and differences between the Northern and Southern polar upper atmospheres. Contact : Martin Fullekrug (University of Bath, U.K.) B. Quantify the effects on the polar ionosphere and atmosphere of the magnetospheric electromagnetic fields and plasma populations. Contact : Eftyhia Zesta (UCLA, USA) C. Quantify the atmospheric consequences of the global electric circuit and further understand the electric circuit in the middle atmosphere. Contact : Scott Palo (University of Colorado, USA), Nikolai stgaard (University of Bergen, Norway) C. Quantify the atmospheric consequences of the global electric circuit and further understand the electric circuit in the middle atmosphere. Contact : Scott Palo (University of Colorado, USA), Nikolai Østgaard (University of Bergen, Norway) D. Create a data portal that will integrate all of the polar data sets and modeling results. Contact : Aaron Ridley (University of Michigan, USA), Allan Weatherwax (Siena College)
Group Leader: Martin Fullekrug U.K. Group Leader: Eftyhia Zesta U.S.A. Group Leader: Nikolai Østgaard Norway Group Leader: Scott Palo U.S.A. Group Leader: Aaron Ridley U.S.A. Lead Member: Brian Fraser Australia Lead Member:Ruiyuan Liu P. R. China Lead Member:Natsuo Sato Japan SSG/PS Deputy Chair, ex officio: Maurizio Candidi (Italy) ICESTAR Team
Allan Weatherwax USA Kirsti Kauristie Finland Nikolai Østgaard Norway Maurizio Candidi Italy Vladimir Papitashvili USA Natsuo Sato Japan Claudio RafanelliJCADM ICESTAR Steering Committe as appointed by SCAR
Selected Achievements in ICESTAR scientists presented nearly 40 papers to the Open Science Conference at the 2006 SCAR meeting in Hobart ICESTAR hosted a Data Portal and Virtual Observatory Workshop in Toulouse, France, July 2005 ICESTAR has taken leadership role in Heliosphere Impact on Geospace, one of the core projects of the fourth International Polar Year programme ICESTAR co-sponsors scientific sessions at European and American Geophysical Union Meetings in invited presentation in contributed talks and/or posters at AGU/GEM/ICS8…other meetings ICESTAR group leader Prof. Østgaard leads an IPY/ICESTAR Proposal submitted to the Norwegian Research Council 8 letters of support written in the past six months
Selected papers presented at Open Science Conference at the SCAR meeting during July, 2006 in Hobart 1.ICESTAR: Observations of Energetic Particle Effects on the Polar Middle-Atmosphere 2.Japanese Activity for the ICESTAR Program during the IPY Period 3.ICESTAR: Deployment of Virtual Observatories In Cyberspace Towards Creating the Worldwide Fabric of Geophysical Data 4.ICESTAR: Simultaneous Antarctic observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds and Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes 5.ICESTAR - Interactions Between Planetary Waves and Tides in the Antarctic Middle Atmosphere 6.ICESTAR: Solar-terrestrial and aeronomy research during the International Polar Year 7.ICESTAR: Deploying a Virtual Geophysical Observatory and Data Portal at a Small Liberal Arts College 8.ICESTAR: Pi1B pulsations and their association with substorm onset 9.ICESTAR: Conjugate ULF observations from auroral latitudes to the inner magnetosphere 10.ICESTAR: Auroral conjugacy studies 11.ICESTAR: Inter-hemispheric Comparison of 11-year Solar Cycle Response of OH airglow Temperature Observations 12.ICESTAR: Polar Mesospheric Clouds observed by an iron Boltzmann lidar at the South Pole and Rothera, Antarctica 13.ICESTAR Observations of the Semidiurnal Tide at Southern Polar Latitudes with SABER and Mesospheric Radars 14.ICESTAR: Vertical Coupling of the Atmosphere over Antarctica via Atmospheric Tides 15.ICESTAR: Vertical Electrodynamic Coupling
IPY/ICESTAR kickoff Meeting Feb –Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki Topics Get together –Management issues: Steering committee etc. –PR- and Outreach programme –Campaign schedule –Cataloging the instrumentation maintained by the Programme –Data sharing issues
ICESTAR - Plans for the future SuperDARN array major upgrade in the southern hemisphere. New radars to be installed: China Zhong Shan USA South Pole Italy and France Concordia pair Danger: Late installation for IPY Halley radar moved: timing within IPY
CAWSES/ICESTAR joint activity: joint meeting in planning. CAWSES (Climate And Weather in the Sun Earth System) is the five year scientific program of SCOSTEP ILWS meeting at COSPAR in BEIJING: International Living With a Star program, plans ground based segment of investigations; will be tightly related to ICESTAR. SCOSTEP formed joint committee, for common planning of ILWS observations Relation with other programmmes/ICSU bodies
To maintain and intensify the conjugate observations ( Syowa – Iceland, South Pole – Iqaluit (Canada) ) To transfer the data to Japan in near real time To make the data accessible for the community more quickly and more easily. To develop the unmanned magnetometer network in the Antarctic. To maintain other facilities at Syowa Station, including the two SuperDARN radars, etc. To do coordinated studies using MF radar, Meteo radar, EISCAT radar, etc. To do feasibility studies for the MST/IS radar (PANSY) at Syowa Japanese activity for the ICESTAR
Conjugate Observation at Syowa and Iceland
Conjugate Observation between South Pole and Iqaluit (planned) Iqaluit (Canada) field line South Pole Project team : Y. Ebihara, N. Sato, et al. (NIPR, Japan) A.T. Weatherwax (Siena College, USA) P.T. Jayachandran (Univ. of New Brunswick, Canada)
Acquisition of the Syowa - Iceland conjugate data NIPR by air network by ship network (1 Mbps) Monitoring data, IRIO, Aurora TV CAI All the data Monitoring data, IRIO, HF, MF SYOWA ICELAND
Mizuho Dome Fuji Syowa Yamato Mt. H100 MD364 Unmanned magnetometers in JARE Unmanned Magnetometer Network in JARE Dome Fuji S16
SENSU Syowa Sourh and Syowa East SuperDARN radars Syowa
Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST/IS Radar ( PANSY) Mesosphere, Stratosphere and Troposphere / Incoherent Scatter Radar K Sato, M Tsutsumi, T Sato, A Saito, Y Tomikawa,T Aso, T Yamanouchi, M Ejiri PANSY is derived from the French word, ’pensee’, meaning ‘thought’
Pilot System for PANSY ( ) Comprehensive test - Light and robust antennas - Power-efficient class-E amplifiers Scientific study as a meteor wind radar as well