Some more slides about jets in CDF/ATLAS …some slides taken from a seminar by Ken Hatekayama J. Huston CTEQ meeting
Inclusive jets PDF uncertainties in some rapidity regions larger than systematic uncertainties; potential for reducing pdf uncertainties in CTEQ7 Systematic errors can adjust most of the shape differences above …but statistical errors are tiny
Hadronization and UE corrections
Differences between Midpoint and SISCone
Inclusive jets with k T
W/Z + jets
W + jets
Good agreement with NLO where available Note the data has been corrected back to the hadron level, i.e. no knowledge of the CDF detector is needed for any itinerant theorist to be able to compare this predictions to the data
Z + jets
Topoclusters in ATLAS calibrated blobs of energy in the calorimeter corresponding to one/few particles fine depth/lateral segmentation allows them to be calibrated back to hadron level treat as 4-vectors
SpartyJet At LHC, would like to use modern and varied jet algorithms both ATLAS and CMS are moving to the SISCone algorithm SpartyJet developed to make analyses with multiple algorithms easier, especially with topoclusters in ATLAS Jet/SpartyJet.html
Recommendations of jet paper …available from SpartyJet webpage