Limits of Stability Neutron Drip Line? Proton Drip Line? Known Nuclei Heavy Elements? Fission Limit?
At the moment we are limited in our view of the atomic nucleus Some Basic Nuclear Property
RIA Will Greatly Expand Our Horizons
The march of time for The Table of Isotopes
What is an exotic nucleus? Normal Nucleus: 6 neutrons 6 protons (carbon) 12 C Stable, found in nature Exotic Nucleus: 16 neutrons 6 protons (carbon) 22 C Radioactive, at the limit of nuclear binding Characteristics of exotic nuclei: Excess of neutrons or protons, short half-life, neutron or proton dominated surface, low binding
Neutron and Proton Dripline A = 21
Isospin T z = (N-Z)/2 A = 21 T Z +9/2 +7/2 +5/2 +3/2 +1/2 –1/2 –3/2 –5/2 8 Al Mg Na Ne F O N C C 15 A Z N Neutron richProton rich
One thing we thought we knew about nuclei Nuclear properties are parameterized by the mass number A, for example the radius: R = 1.2 A 1/3 (Equation 1.3) (DeShalit and Feshbach, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, 1974 Wiley) Charge number Z and neutron number N are ignored.
Nuclear Radii Textbooks: R = r 0 A 1/3 I. Tanihata
Mass Predictions Model Difference (MeV) N (Z=55) S p = 0 S n = 0r-process Known Masses M. Huhta
How to reach the Driplines &Transfer reactions (light nuclei) &Fusion-evaporation (proton dripline) &Fission (neutron dripline) &Fragmentation Target fragmentation Projectile fragmentation &Transfer reactions (light nuclei) &Fusion-evaporation (proton dripline) &Fission (neutron dripline) &Fragmentation Target fragmentation Projectile fragmentation
Transfer Reactions
Fusion Evaporation 292 MeV 54 Fe + 92 Mo 146 Er(p4n) 141 Ho 402 MeV 78 Kr + 58 Ni 136 Gd(p4n) 131 Eu A.A. Sonzogni et al., Phys. Rev. Lett (1999) D. Seweryniak et al., Phys. Rev. Lett (2001)
Fission K.H. Schmidt et al., Model predictions of the fission-product yields for 238 U (2001)
Target Fragmentation Random removal of protons and neutrons from heavy target nuclei by energetic light projectiles (pre-equilibrium and equilibrium emissions).
Projectile Fragmentation Random removal of protons and neutrons from heavy projectile in peripheral collisions Cooling by evaporation. hot participant zone projectile fragment projectile target projectile fragment
Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA)
Optimum Production Mechanism ISOL Task Force Report:
Production Yields
Fast Beams at RIA
Plans/Projects at Fragmentation Facilities RIKEN RI BEAM FACTORY ---A Dream Factory for Particle Beams--- The K500 K1200 Project
Comparison of Rare Isotope Intensities
Projectile Fragmentation &High-energy beams (E/A > 50 MeV) of modest beam quality. &Physical method of separation, no chemistry. &Suitable for short-lived isotopes (T 1/2 > s). &Increased luminosity from the use of thick secondary targets (by up to a factor of 10,000) &Efficient particle detection from strong forward focusing &Low-energy beams are difficult.
Yields from Fragmentation
S. Nagamiya and D.J.M., LBL (1980) geom = b 2 (1 - Vc/E) [ r 0 2 ( A T 1/3 + A B 1/3 -a) 2 ] ( 1 - Vc / E ) Geometry Dominates at high energies 0 b<r T + r B a
Fragmentation Reaction 18 O beam 9 Be target 18 O 9 Be 80 MeV/nucleon 40% speed of light 278,000,000 mph t = sec d = -10 fm ’’ t = -5x sec d = -5 fm
Production of 11 Li t = 0 sec d = 0 fm t = sec d = 10 fm 11 Li
Definitions/Numbers Energy Energy per nucleon: 80 A MeV Total energy: 1440 MeV Momentum: 7096 MeV/c Velocity: 11.7 cm/ns 0.39 c Rigidity: (p/q) 2.96 Tm Beam Intensity Particle Current: 1pnA Electrical Current: 8enA Particles: 6.25x10 9 /s Power: 1.44W 1pnA, 80 MeV/nucleon, 18 O, 8 +
Production of Fragments ~10pnA 18 O 80 MeV/nucleon ~ Li or ~1/ Li/ 18 O
Overview of the Fragment Separation Technique Wedge location D = 5 cm/% R = 2500 p/ p 86 Kr p A ECR 86 Kr MeV/A 86 Kr MeV/A 100 pnA (1.3 kW power) 8 msr p/p = 5% Example: 86 Kr 78 Ni, NSCL at full beam power 65% of the 78 Ni is transmitted
Program LISE LISE: Ligne d’Ions Super Epluchés (Line of Super Stripped Ions)
Beyond the Driplines!!
New Helium Atom !! A. Korsheninnikov et al., Phys. Lett. 326B 31 (1994) 10 He: Γ≤ 1.2 MeV or T 1/2 ≥ 5.5 x s !!!
What is a Particle? “… The techniques employed here are ideal for studying these unbound states and it is suggested that the introduction be changed to reflect this distinction between radioactivity and just unbound states. …” Referee, Phys. Rev. Lett. R. A. Kryger et al., Phys. Rev. Lett (1994) 12 O: Γ = 784(45) keV or T 1/2 = 3.6 x s
Definition of Radioactivity Joseph Cerny and J. C. Hardy, Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 27, 333 (1977) “…should lead to lifetimes longer than sec, a possible lower limit for the process to be called radioactivity.” “…should lead to lifetimes longer than sec, a possible lower limit for the process to be called radioactivity.”
Limit of Stability -- Superheavies
Complete Fusion Fundamental limitations: -- reaction dynamics, b~0 -- arithmetic of Z & N
266 Mt
Synthesis of Heavy Elements Production of longer lived neutron rich isotopes Connection to newly synthesized elements
Nuclear “Structure” U. Müller et al., Phys. Rev. C30, 1199 (1984)