Office of Medical Student Education Brad Densen November 1, 2011
OMSE Missions To prepare medical students to be future leaders in medicine who participate in creating the future of healthcare through research, patient care, service and advocacy; locally, nationally, and globally. To nurture and develop students by providing services which support the personal and professional demands of future physicians and scientists.
Products and Services Curriculum Support Services: Components I-IV, Quizzes/Exams, Curriculum Evaluation, Standardized Patient Program, FCE, CFM, CCA, MSTP Student Support Services: Admissions, Financial Aid, Registrar, Counseling, Summer Research, Match Program, Special Events and Programs At it’s core, OMSE services to design and deliver medical curriculum and support services.
Customers Students Faculty Staff Patients Families Public OMSE services UMMS medical students and graduate students. Also assist Visiting Students from other medical schools participating in elective rotations, as well as students from our global partners (e.g. Ghana) Work directly with staff across MSA and Health System (clerkships) Patients are a core part of what we do – from pre-clinical years with CFM and FCE to clinical years during clerkships Work with parents, guardians, spouses, etc. as they try to support their loved ones during their progression through medical school. Help them to understand stresses – personal and financial related to process. Community outreach to public through several student organizations, also hiring of standardized patients to assist with assessment of students. We are state medical school and therefore have a social contract with our citizens to train medical students to meet the needs to today and tomorrow’s Michigan/US/International residents.
Staffing Trends Staff FTE = 46.6; Faculty FTE = 25.37 14.5 staff FTE to CIO office 08/2010 3 staff FTE and 9.8 faculty FTE to DME 11/2010 (Division of Anatomical Sciences) Long term staffing trends: counseling and career advising, direct observation & feedback in junior/senior years, institutional compliance Core staffing has remained relatively static since 2008; organizational changes within MSA have caused reduction in OMSE staff FTEs. Term limited appointments for LCME administrator, coordinator, and admin assistant. Faculty FTEs have also remained relatively static. In FY11, reallocated 1.25 FTE of Assistant Dean to create multiple Assistant Dean roles. Added 0.25 in FTE faculty appointment for Assistant Dean of Educational Research and Quality Improvement. Currently have existing 0.5 FTE faculty effort assigned to a TBA Assistant Dean.
Current Tactical Initiatives LCME Accreditation Pathways of Excellence Direct Clinical Observation and Feedback Career Advising Student Mistreatment Taubman Health Sciences Library Renovation
Opportunities for Collaboration & Synergy Curriculum and Student Services merged 06/2010 – align services to support customers and eliminate redundancy OMSE and Clinical Clerkships Existing relationship with PIBS – counseling and financial analysis Simulation – GME and Health Sciences Interdisciplinary Education – SoP, Nursing, Dentistry, SPH, SoSW
Appendix Organizational Structure Key Performance Indicators Benchmarked Data and Performance
Organizational Structure
Key Performance Indicators Admissions Data AAMC Graduation Questionnaire PGY-1 Survey Boards Exam (USMLE) Scores Residency Match Residency Director’s Rankings
Benchmarked Data and Performance Admissions – Class of 2014 Average GPA: 3.77 Average MCAT: 11.58 50% women; 50% men Mean age: 23.5 years 13% underrepresented in medicine 51% MI residents, 49% out-of-state 60% accepted to another top 10 medical school
Benchmarked Data and Performance AAMC Graduation Questionnaire Survey taken by all graduating US medical students 5-point scale (1 – lowest, 5 – highest) On questions related to preparedness to begin a residency program, graduates rank UMMS between 4.3 – 4.5 Ranking is at/slightly above national mean
Benchmarked Data and Performance PGY-1 Survey Survey of trainees completing first year of residency 5-point scale (1 – lowest, 5 – highest) “How well did the UMMS prepare you for your current position?” (Score = 4.55) “In retrospect, how satisfied are you with the medical education you received at UMMS?” (Score = 4.69)
Benchmarked Data and Performance 2010 USMLE Board Exam Performance 98% UMMS students passed Step 1, mean score 234 National MD student pass rate 91%, mean score 222 100% UMMS students passed Step 2 CK, mean score 243 National MD student pass rate 97%, mean score 230. 100% UMMS students passed Step 2 CS, scoring at least 1/3 std above overall mean National MD student pass rate 97%
Benchmarked Data and Performance Residency Match 71% students match to first choice 95% students match to one of top three choices Over past 5 years, UMMS match rates ranged from 95.2%-98.1% National match rate = 73.2%
Benchmarked Data and Performance Residency Program Directors Survey Multi-item survey 5-point scale (1 – lowest, 5 – highest) On summary question, “Performance Overall - ability to function as a resident with a full workload”, UMMS graduate mean was 4.23 Of note, 2012 US News & World Report, residency program directors rated UMMS graduates 3rd in terms of desirability.