Helping the community is something that everyone should consider, because the more people who become aware of how drinking and driving affects our citizens, helps us as well as our neighborhoods and also helps ensure safety. If we don’t work as a team to become more aware of what’s going on then there isn’t any hope in keeping our roads well equip.
Interview with Garry Morgan: Q:During which holidays / months/ people caught drunk driving in 2007? A:A little more during the summer time but pretty much the same all year. Q:How many of those individuals would you say are minors? A: About 30% or more of those were taken in. Q:What are the main effects drunk driving has on an individual? A:In Benton County there have been at least 3 fatalities in the last year or so and many more injuries. Interview with Jerry Friend: Q:How many people are killed in Drunk driving accidents in a years time? A:Around 63 % of automobile drivers. Q:What time of year would you say is the worst time for pulling over drivers A:When Jerry Friend graduated around 1996 the different times of the year were pretty even. Q:Do you feel the problem of drunk driving is increasing or decreasing? A:Increasing. Q:Do feel that Benton County’s Drunk driving accidents would increase or decrease if it became a wet county? A:Wouldn’t effect it.
Q:How do you feel that we as members of the community can help decrease the affects of drunk driving? A:By educating the drivers about the dangers on drunk driving. Q:Have you worked with any local outreach programs located in Benton County? A:No. Q:Do you know of anyone you could recommend me to contact for similar information for drinking and driving information? A:MADD Q:Since my group is focusing on the Benton County district of Arkansas for this project where would be a good place to receive data/ statistics on Drunk Driving within 5 years? A: Benton County Police Department and Siloam Springs Police Department. Q:What’s your opinion on this topic? Do you feel this project idea will make a difference for the local community? A:He feels that it Is a crucial topic. Yes Q:Since this project is for math class how do you think we could interpret the data (statistics) on a graph to show the increase or decrease of drunk driving in Benton County. A:A Bar graph to show the increase and decrease of the effects on drunk driving.
Red coded statistics are estimated predictions of “ Bentonville ’ s DWI & DUI Arrests ”. The equation of a line we calculated on the TI-83 Plus Calculator is: Y= 12x Our group used the original formula Y=ax+b to come up with “OUR” equation. We used the assignment titled Construction of Linear Regressions From Data to help us construct our group’s graph for the statistics of Bentonville’s DUI & DWI Arrests. By constructing a graph we can illustrate the amount of casualties that happen throughout a year’s time because of “Drunk Driving”!
Feb.11 - Group met to critique proposal Feb.12- Proposal Due Feb.14- Nadia met with D.Phillips Feb.16- Nadia interviewed former officer Jerry Friend Feb.21-Group presented initial Power Point Feb.26- Rodney Pinos presented Power Point Mar. 1&2 – Group meeting discussed graded project componets Mar Spring Break Mar.27- Group met in student center Apr.3- Brittany and Nadia met in the student center Apr.11- Brittany ed Nadia progress of project Apr.14- Brittany and Nadia spoke on the phone about updates Apr. 17 – Group met in student center Apr.22- Nadia went and met with D. Phillips in the East lab to post data on web Apr. 25- Met in Student center to discuss what final touches needed to be done Apr.28- Group met to finish to put final touches on East project Apr.29- Group kept in touch over the phone to make sure everything has been taken care of. Nadia sent Brittany an with the “Graph information”. Brittany finnished the powerpoint and sent it to D.Phillips to add to the website. Apr.30- Nadia looked over the power point and fixed it up and sent Diane Phillips a copy to put into the website.
Nadia(Group leader)- Did most written work and organized group meetings. Interviewed with former officer Jerry Friend. Brittany- worked on power point helped organize group meetings, and ran errands for project. Interviewed with Bentonville police to gather info for chart Rodney- Changed data to needed formats helped with some of the written work. Interviewed with Bentonville police
PowerPoint Microsoft word Phones Computer Internet Personal Interviews
Bentonville Police Dianne Phillips Marjorie Whitmore Former officer- Jerry Friend Officer – Garry Morgan
As a whole the group has developed better: Communication skills Organizational skills Gathering information Team work Got things accomplished by working within the community. Working with the police department.
Special thanks to Dianne Phillips (EAST facilitator) and Marjorie Whitmore (Math prof.)!!
Bentonville Police – Garry Morgan Dianne Phillips (EAST facilitator) Former officer- Jerry Friend Mrs. Whitmore (Math Prof.) Graphing Linear Regressions
Group members: Brittany Eaton Rodney Pinos Nadia Haydar