Technology Autobiography Course Objective # 4 Standard 1. (TL) Reflection: Looking back at what I wrote when I first started is nothing compared to what I know now. This course has given me self confidence and I can go forth to teach others.
Three Word Documents, Spreadsheet, Graph, and Graphic Documents Course Objective #3 (a,b,& c) Standards: TL-V.C. (1,2) Reflection: Creating these documents helped me to remember everything I had forgotten and introduced me to something new. (inspiration)
Web Site Course Objective: #8 Standard (TL- IV.A.,TL- II.B, TL-II.C., TL-II.D., TL-II.F) Reflections: Creating these web site led me explore different ways of creating my site. I chose micro-soft word, it was a little easier then the rest. In the future I will explore more of them
Equity, Ethics, and Legal Issues WebQuest Course Objective # 7 Standard V 111. (TL- V A, B, C,D & E) When I ventured out to do these project I had know idea how much work it would be. It took a lot of research but I learned a lot from it and if I had to do it over again I would definitely do it.
Summary-Reflective Journal Course Objective: # 6 Standard (TL-I) Reflection: I enjoyed writing on the topics you assigned because it gave me the opportunity to do some thinking. I also learned from the rest of my peers we all have similarities and have differences
Integrated Computer-Using Curriculum Unit Course Objective: # 9 Standard 111. (TL- 111 A) Reflection: I created my integrated computer unit on the Solar System. My goal was to have students research and show what they new, what they would like to know and what they learned.
Software Evaluation Course Objective # 5 Standard IV. (TL-IV. A, B, & C) I feel that this one was the hardest for me to do. I know I should have done a lot better then what I did, but I did learn from doing it.