September1999 October 1999 ICML-03 Mini-Tutorial The Three R’s of Publishing Machine Learning Papers: Research, ‘Riting, and Reviews Marie desJardins Rob Holte Rob Schapire Saturday, August 23, 12:30-2:00
September1999 October 1999 The Process of Getting Published Marie desJardins ICML-03 Mini-Tutorial The Three R’s of Publishing Machine Learning Papers: Research, ‘Riting, and Reviews Saturday, August 23, 12:30-2:00
September1999 October /23/03 3 Tutorial Overview Programmatics and Publication Review process Ethical issues Handling rejection Writing and Being Reviewed Reviewing Writing a paper Knowing your audience Machine Learning Methodologies Empirical methodology Formal methodology
September1999 October /23/03 4 The Review Process Program committees Selection process Senior vs. area chair vs. regular members Paper assignments Keyword-based Self-selection All for one and one for all Decisions Reaching a consensus Final decisions Conditional accepts (rare) Acceptance rates (~~~20%)
September1999 October /23/03 5 Journal Reviewing Length of decision cycle Quality/length/depth of review Decision options: Accept as is Accept with minor changes Accept with major changes (subject to re-review) Reject with encouragement to resubmit Reject out of hand
September1999 October /23/03 6 Where to Publish Workshops vs. conferences vs. journals Quantity vs. quality Aim high! (or at least appropriately) Acceptance rate vs. time to prepare/publish
September1999 October /23/03 7 Knowing Your Audience: A Reviewer’s Perspective First, I read the title: is it in my area? (self-selection) Next, I read the abstract: is it interesting? (self- selection) Next, I skim the introduction and form my opinion about the paper Next, I read the rest of the paper looking for evidence to support my view By the time I get to Section 2, I already have a very strong opinion about whether to accept or reject. Your job is to give me the evidence I need in the title and abstract to select your paper for review, and in the introduction to result in the right opinion!
September1999 October /23/03 8 Ethical Issues Multiple submissions Journal versions of conference papers Authors and author order Listing papers in your CV
September1999 October /23/03 9 Rejected!! Now What? Fix the paper! Read the reviews, rail and complain, berate the reviewer Calm down Read them again with an open mind Do more experiments, revise the paper, … Go back to the reviews again – have you addressed all the points? Have people read the revision critically Do more experiments, revise the paper, … Repeat until the next deadline