Behaviorism Powerpoint The Green Beaners Robb Shubel Jill Cain Lisa Purcell Sarah Roberts
Outcome of Conditioning Increase BehaviorDecrease Behavior Positive Stimulus Positive Reinforcement (add stimulus) Response Cost (remove stimulus) Negative Stimulus Negative Reinforcement (remove stimulus) Punishment (add stimulus)
Squares Area of Squares Click on the square to learn more!
What is Area? The area of a figure is the amount of surface it covers. Area is usually measured by the number of unit squares of the same size fit into the figure.
Area of Squares To find the area of a square, you need to multiply the base x height. Area = Base x Height Base Height
Area of Squares Example 1 The area of this square is 9 in 2. 3 inches To find the area, multiply the base x height. 3 x 3 = 9
Area of Squares Example 2 The area of this square is 16 cm 2. 4 cm To find the area, multiply the base x height. 4 x 4 = 16
Area of Squares Practice 2 inches What is the area of this square? 2 in 2 4 in 2 4 cm 2 2 cm 2 Remember: Area = base x height
Area of Squares Practice 5 cm Remember: Area = base x height What is the area of this square? 5 in 2 10 cm 2 25 cm 2 5 cm 2
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Area of Squares Practice Remember: Area = base x height 8 inches What is the area of this square? 64 cm 2 8 in 2 64 in 2 16 in²
You know your stuff! Try one more for fun!
Area of Squares Practice Remember: Area = base x height What is the area of this square? 4 cm 16 cm 2 24 cm 2 8 cm 2 4 cm 2
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You should know better! Area = base x height
Please try another!
Area of Squares Practice Remember: Area = base x height What is the area of this square? 7 in 21 in 2 36 in 2 14 in 2 49 in 2
Think Again Area = base x height
You Did It!
Area of Squares Practice Remember: Area = base x height What is the area of this square? 3 cm 3 cm 2 12 cm 2 9 cm 2 6 cm 2
Area of Squares Practice Remember: Area = base x height What is the area of this square? 9 in 27 in 2 81 in 2 18 in 2 9 in 2
Area of Squares Practice Remember: Area = base x height What is the area of this square? 1 cm 11 cm 2 4 cm 2 2 cm 2 1 cm 2
Think Again Area = base x height
You should know better! Area = base x height
Please try again!
This is a sampling of various web sites that give a good basic introduction to behaviorism. Some of them tell a little about it as related to the school systems, and others just give basic, general information. Most of these web sites have links to other sites, and many of those sites offer information about how the concepts fit into the public school system. The B.F. Skinner Foundation was established in 1987 to educate the public about B. F. Skinner's work, and to promote an understanding of the role of contingencies in human behavior. Behaviorism Links
This site discusses behaviorism and Instructional Technology Includes the behaviorist positions of Watson, Thorndike and Skinner. Behaviorism Links Cont’d This site, Questia, has dozens of books and journal articles on behaviorism.