SPDO report Richard Schilizzi and Peter Dewdney US SKA Consortium Meeting Madison, 17 November 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

SPDO report Richard Schilizzi and Peter Dewdney US SKA Consortium Meeting Madison, 17 November 2008

Contents n International SKA context n PrepSKA n SPDO and WP2, WP3 n WPs 4, 5, 6, 7 n SPDO team n WP2 program (Peter Dewdney)

specifications Top-level specifications in SKA Memo 100 n Sensitivity (Aeff/Tsys) (max) n FoV single pixel feed 1 sq. deg. (21 cm), 4 sq. deg. at z=1 phased array feed 20 sq. deg. aperture array20 sq.deg. n Survey speed figure of merit (Aeff/Tsys) 2.FoV 2x10 10 (max) n Continuum sensitivity 20 nJy (10 hours)

Costs n Target construction cost: 1.5 billion € for Phase 1+2 n Expected operating costs: 100+ million €/year  Energy costs a big contributing factor n Currently funded SKA R&D ( ) via national and regional projects: 140 M€  PrepSKA (FP7) funds the SPDO engineers  Design Studies (FP6 SKA Design Study, US Tech Dev Program)  Pathfinders ( ASKAP, MeerKAT, LOFAR, Apertif, ATA, MWA, LWA, EVLA, eMERLIN, eEVN)

Key dates costed system design 2012site selection agreement on construction funding Phase 1 implementation 2016  early science with Phase construction of full array at low and mid-frequencies

06 |08 |10 |12 |14 |16 |18 |20 |22 |24 | System Design Full SKA mid + low construction and commissioning SKA-high Construction Sites short-listed EC-FP7: PrepSKA System design Verification Programs Funding Governance Site Selection Preliminary SKA specs External Engineering Review of design Reference Design selected Pathfinder Suite Construction SKA-mid+lowComplete Phase 1 funding approval System design SKA-hi Pathfinder science Phase 1 complete Concept Design Site Select Concept design for SKA-high SKA timeline Prod. Readiness Review Early Science SKA mid+low SKA Operations Phase 2 funding approval Phase 1 Prod. Eng. & Tooling Phase 1 Construction

Solar power array in Portugal 2550 elements each 150 m 2 Spread over an area 2km in diameter Azimuth rotation Erected in one year

Artist’s impression of the SKA dishes (15m) in the central 5 km total + dense and/or sparse aperture arrays


PrepSKA Formal PrepSKA partners n Agencies STFC (UK), NWO (NL), CNRS (FR), INAF (IT), DIISR (AU), NRF (ZA), NRC-HIA (CA) n Institutes ASTRON (NL), Cornell/NAIC (USA), CSIRO (AU), IT (PT), JIVE (Europe), MPIfR (DE), OBSPAR (FR), RuG (NL), UCal (CA), UK (UCam, UMan, UOxf), UOrl (FR), n Other organisations involved in study NSF(USA), AUI(USA), FG-IGN(EC), VR(SE), SKA Program Development Office (SPDO) n 7 Work Packages

PrepSKA organisation

WP2 Deliverables (Peter Dewdney “Guiding Principles, Activities and Targets for WP2”)  Technology selection n System Design including operational – construction tradeoffs n Science Performance vs Reference Science Mission n Total cost estimate for Baseline Design (incl. contingency) n Risk assessment n Design and deployment plan n Top-level build schedule n Upgrade paths

WP2 approach n Streamline WP2 Description of Work Move from 40 technology development tasks, including an ill-defined ‘IVS’ to assembly and verification of large SKA sub-systems Easily evaluated by EC and Funding Agencies/Governments n Dish Verification Program n PAF Verification Program n AA Verification Program n Signal transport Verification Program n ….. + n MoAs with organisations and institutes

WP3 – Additional Site Studies Inform decision-making process for site selection –Carry out further RFI measurements (in progress) –RQZ (in progress) –Investigate infrastructure deployment costs and timescales –Detailed risk analysis –Array configuration (in progress) –Ionosphere (in progress) –Tropospheric water vapour

WP4, WP5 n WP4 – Governance and Legal Framework (led by NWO, NL) Study of options for viable models of governance and a legal framework for SKA during construction and operation Interim legal entity for SPDO during PrepSKA? n WP5 – SKA Procurement and industrial involvement (led by INAF, Italy) Lay out options for procurement Investigation of the optimum way to involve industry in the global, regional and national contexts

WP6, WP7 n WP6 – Developing the funding model (led by STFC, UK) Investigate all aspects of the financial model for lifetime costs of the SKA Issues: phasing of SKA and ELTs what constitutes a “mature” project? post-PrepSKA funding how to value in-kind contributions pre-construction Investigate options for loan from European Investment Bank and other similar bodies to provide a smooth funding profile n WP7 – Implementation plan (led by Co-ordinator) Investigate socio-economic and knowledge impact of the SKA Integrate output of all other partners to produce a detailed, costed design for Phase 1 of the SKA and an implementation plan for the full SKA.

SPDO Team Project DirectorRichard Schilizzi Project Engineer Peter Dewdney Project ScientistJoe Lazio Executive OfficerColin Greenwood System EngineerKobus Cloete Domain Specialist Receptors Neil Roddis Domain Specialist Signal TransportRoshene McCool Domain Specialist Computing & SoftwDuncan Hall (starting January) Domain Specialist Signal Processingnot yet filled Site EngineerRob Millenaar Project Management OfficerBilly Adams (starting January) Industry Relations Managerto be advertised Outreach OfficerIan Morison Office ManagerLisa Bell Support Engineers (4-5x)to be advertised

In –kind contributions n Call for submissions – deadline 31 October 2008 n 7 responses (ASTRON, CSIRO, INAF, JPL, McGill/Laval Universities, NRAO, NRC Canada) n Contributions Audit Committee Paul Mantsch (chair, Spokesperson for Pierre Auger Collaboration) Ethan Schrier (US) Jim Ulvestad (US) Arnold van Ardenne (Europe) Wim Brouw (Europe) Lewis Ball (Australia) Faranah Osman (South Africa) n Audit Committee to make recommendations to SSEC by February 2009

Issues n How is the in-kind contributions register going to be used by the Funding Agencies? n What is the “value” to the international SKA program of the submissions to the in-kind register? n Should we only consider contributions in the PrepSKA era? and/or n Only those contributions that made mention of the SKA in the original proposals?