1 IT Collaboratory 2009 Research Symposium The Top Five Science Drivers for Quantum Limited Detectors: Medical and Biology 1.Real time diagnostic information 2.Confocal microscopy (Damage to tissue) 3.Molecular imaging (luminescence, fluorescence…) 4.Radiology and CT – volumetric imaging, dyamic imaging in particular 5.NIRS 6.Gamma-ray modalities (PET, SPECT…) 7.Safety 8.THz imaging??????? 1
2 IT Collaboratory 2009 Research Symposium Radiology and CTConfocalMolecular Imaging In-vivo and bioassay Gamma-ray (PET, SPECT) zero read noiseImportant for volumetric, dose reduction Important for dose reduction to reduce damage in tissue Very importantLow noise desirable – get multiple visible photons from gamma Wavelength discrimination Energy discrimination thru pulse height, not wavelength line scan for spectroscophy with photon counting detector Yes – simultaneous detection of multiple fluorophores ? Probably not Large format / high resolution 17” x 17” with 50 – 150 micron pixel Single pixelLarger number of wells in assay for bioassays drives 50MPix cooled detectors or 50MP 17” contact arrays Very Large area, curved focal plane for PET and SPECT Low powerN/A High dynamic range 10 5 – photons/mm 2 /s Desirable for low dose imaging 10 1 – 10 4 photons/pixel/s? Lower cost$ 10,000 for 17”$ 10,000$ 10,000; in future would like disposable at consumer volumes N/A High frame rate/high speed 60 fps for volumetric, dynamic Yes –esp. for living cells or in-vivo 100 ps for fluorescenceProbably – TBD Desirable for treatmet in nuclear medicine Radiation Hardness Yes – both single event and total dose NoSometimesYes – both single event and total dose
3 IT Collaboratory 2009 Research Symposium Top Detector Characteristics Radiology and CTRadiology and CT - futureGamma-ray Format10x10” to 17” x 17”17” x 17” Pixel Size50 – 150 micron25 – 150 micron Read Noise3,000 el10 electrons (LSB = 100 el) Dark Current50 pA/cm210 pA/cm2 QE70%90% Latent ImageDepends on readout rate No Flux Rate Capacity10 5 – photons/pix/s integrating detector 10 2 – optical photons/pixel/s Counting detector*** Operating Temperature300 K Fill Factor60%100% Radiation ImmunityGood -Good Susceptibility to Radiation Transients OK in a-Si, not in SiGood – even for Si Technology Readiness Level NowFuture
4 IT Collaboratory 2009 Research Symposium Confocal - presentConfocalMolecular Imagingsmall area array Future contact FormatSingle detectorLine array2 in sq10 cm sq30 cm sq Pixel SizeN/ATBD<50 um10 um250 um Read NoiseRead 2000 frames, 0.2 ph/fr, signal average frames 0 photons –10e-0100’s e- Dark Current??< 1pA/cm^2~ 0 (cooled, short tau) < 1 pA/cm^2 QE50%100%60%80% Latent ImageN/A Flux Rate Capacity100nS/sample photons/sample 1nS/sample photons/sampl e 10^3 – 10^6 phot/mm^2/s Operating Temperature 300K 150K 300K Fill FactorN/A 45% 80% Radiation ImmunityN/A Susceptibility to Radiation Transients N/A Technology Readiness Level NowFutureNow future
5 IT Collaboratory 2009 Research Symposium The Most Promising Detector Technologies for: Medical & Biology 1.Photon counting 2.Very large area (tiling, …) 3.Avalanche (APDs, EM CCDs) 4.3D detector/circuit integration 5
6 IT Collaboratory 2009 Research Symposium Hurdles for the Most Promising Detector Technologies for: Medical & Biology 6
7 IT Collaboratory 2009 Research Symposium Detector R&D Roadmap for: Astrophysics 1.GM-APD a)demonstrate ~64x64 diode/ROIC array at 150 K b)design megapixel array and demonstrate at telescope c)???? 2.SPNW 3.Materials a)demonstrate low dark curent mid-wave MCT 4.??? 5.??? 6.??? 7.??? 7
8 IT Collaboratory 2009 Research Symposium Funding Possibilities: Medical & Biology 1.NIH – NIBIB (esp. med. Imaging inst.) 2.NSF 3.Homeland Security, DOD (inspection) 4.HHMI 8
9 IT Collaboratory 2009 Research Symposium The Top Detector Characteristics for:Medical and Biology 1.zero read noise 2.in-pixel wavelength discrimination (energy discrimination for radiology) 3.larger formats (>10K x 10K) 4.lower power, higher temp. operation 5.Lower cost operation (e.g. standardized ASIC, easier than SIDECAR) 6.high dynamic range: 1 - 1E7 photons 7.high speed capabilites, yet retain low noise 8.??? 9
10 IT Collaboratory 2009 Research Symposium Reference Chart: Key Detector Characteristics Dark Current Dark Current λ/Δλ QE λ λ Read Noise Read Noise ΔtΔt ΔtΔt Quantum-Limited Imaging Detector P P Earth System Science Earth System Science Biomedical Imaging Biomedical Imaging Homeland Safety Homeland Safety Defense
11 IT Collaboratory 2009 Research Symposium Detector Performance Requirements for: Astrophysics 11 ParameterCurrentGoal Format Pixel Size Read Noise Dark Current QE Latent Image Flux Rate Capacity Operating Temperature Fill Factor Radiation Immunity Susceptibility to Radiation Transients Technology Readiness Level