EHE Lepton Propagation in the Earth and Its Implications to the IceCube EHE Propagation in the Earth EHE Propagation in the Earth What is the GZK mechanism? What is the GZK mechanism? Expected intensities at the IceCube depth Expected intensities at the IceCube depth Atmospheric – background Atmospheric – background Event rate Event rate IceCube EHE sensitivity IceCube EHE sensitivity Mons 2003 Shigeru Yoshida Chiba University
UHE (EeV or even higher) Neutrino Events Arriving Extremely Horizontally Needs Detailed Estimation Limited Solid Angle Window ( N A ) -1 ~ 600 ( / cm 2 ) -1 ( /2.6g cm -3 ) -1 [km] Involving the interactions generating electromagnetic/hadron cascades NN X e + e - Mons 2003
e e e/ Weak Incoming Products Weak Cascades Decay Weak Pair/decay Bremss Pair PhotoNucl. Decay Pair Pair Bremss Decay Weak Decay
Mons 2003 Tau(Neutrinos) from Suppression By decay Muon(Neutrinos) from Nadir Angle
GZK Neutrino Production K 411 photons / cm x cm 2 γ p n p π + μ + ν e + ν γ E = eV E 0.8 x eV ~ Conventional Mechanism of EHE neutrinos!!
Mons 2003 Yoshida and Teshima 1993 Yoshida, Dai, Jui, Sommers 1997
Mons 2003
Upward-goingDownward going!! Atmospheric muon! – a major backgrond But so steep spectrum
1.4 km 1km Downward Upward Ice Rock ν ν ± π γ γ γ ν + e - e 1km + e - e lepton EHE events!
Mons 2003 Down-going events dominate… 1400 m 2800 m 11000m UpDown Atmospheric is attenuated faster…
Mons 2003
Flux as a function of energy deposit in km 3 dE/dX~ E E~ XbE dE/dX~ E E~ XbE
Flux as a function of energy deposit in km 3 dE/dX~ E E~ X E dE/dX~ E E~ X E
Mons 2003 Intensity of EHE and GZK m=4 Z max =4 I (E>10PeV) I (E>10PeV) RATE [/yr/ km 2 ] Down Up I (E>10PeV) Energy Deposit I (E>10PeV) Energy Deposit Down m=7 Z max =5 Down Atm [cm -2 sec -1 ]
IceCube EHE Sensitivity 90% C.L. for 10 year observation
Mons 2003 Conclusion appeared in 10 PeV- EeV are our prime target on GZK detection. 1/1000 of primary intensity! Downward and make main contributions in PeV -EeV Energy Estimation would be a key for the bg reduction Because atmospheric spectrum ~ E -3.7 GZK is DETECTABLE by IceCube events/year (BG 0.05 events/year) IceCube has great capability for TeV-PeV -induced muons taking advantage of long range in the clear ice. For EHE like the GZK….
This Simulator is Open to the IceCube Collaboration. JULIET ver1 (Java-based Ultrahigh-energy Lepton Integral Transporter) e / / / / Propagator in rock/ice at EHEs (PeV or greater) by numerically calculating the transport equations e / / / / Propagator in rock/ice at EHEs (PeV or greater) by numerically calculating the transport equations e / / / / Monte Carlo Event Generator (ignoring the ionization loss) from 100 TeV- 1ZeV e / / / / Monte Carlo Event Generator (ignoring the ionization loss) from 100 TeV- 1ZeV Downloadable from Downloadable Users Manual will be released within a few months Users Manual will be released within a few months
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IceCube 1400 m 2400 m AMANDA South Pole IceTop Skiway 80 Strings 80 Strings 4800 PMT 4800 PMT Instrumented volume: 1 km3 (1 Gt) Instrumented volume: 1 km3 (1 Gt) IceCube is designed to detect neutrinos of all flavors at energies from 10 7 eV (SN) to eV IceCube is designed to detect neutrinos of all flavors at energies from 10 7 eV (SN) to eV
Mons 2003 Cross Sections and the Energy Loss Term CTEQ5 Parton Distribution for the evaluation
Mons 2003
1.4 km 1km Upward Ice Rock ν ± π γ ν + e - e 1km lepton ν