HBr agust,www,.....Jan11/PPT-170311ak.ppt agust,heima,...Jan11/PXP-170311ak.pxp agust,heima,...Jan11/HBr18820_18850-230311.pxp.


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Presentation transcript:

HBr agust,www,.....Jan11/PPT ak.ppt agust,heima,...Jan11/PXP ak.pxp agust,heima,...Jan11/HBr18820_ pxp

E(0 + ) V H(0 + ) 11 f3f3 i3i3 agust,heima,...Jan11/PXP ak.pxp; Lay:0, Gr:0; Updated: Scans: HBr: Spectra: Dye: C503 m+3 m+8 v´=0 v´= f 3   v´=0 f 3    v´=0 f 3    v´=1 f 3    v´=0 V(m+1) i 3   v´=0 i 3   v´=0 F,v´=0 F,v´=1 v´= a Dye: R540 g 3  - (0 + ) v´=0 D 1  (v´=0) b c (dye:C503) d (dye:R540) d (dye:C503) e (dye:C503) f (dye:C503) g (dye:C503;saturation) h (dye:C503) i (dye:C503) j (dye:C503) k j 3  - (0 + ) v´=0 v´=2 m+10 v´=1 I1I1 i 3   (v´=0) i 3    v´=  (dye:C503) l

Scans before are for Dye:C503 a (190311, Dye: R540): ftp:// /Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html ftp:// /Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html b (200311, Dye: R540): ftp:// /Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html c (210311, Dye: R540): ftp:// /Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html d (220311, Dyes: R540 & C503): ftp:// /Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html e (230311, Dye: C503): ftp:// /Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html f(240311, Dye: C503): ftp:// /Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html g( Dye:C503): ftp:// /Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html ftp:// /Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html h(280311, Dye:C503; saturation): ftp:// /Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html i(290311, Dye:C503): ftp:// /Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html j(300311, Dye:C503): ftp:// /Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html ftp:// /Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html ftp:// /Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html k(310311, Dye:C503): ftp:// /Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html

HBr: Dye: C503 Dye: R540 Dye: C (dye:C480) aa (dye:C480) ab (dye:C480) ac (dye:C480) ad (dye:C480) ae agust,heima,...Jan11/PXP ak.pxp; Lay:0, Gr:0; Updated: E(0 + ) H(0 + ), v´=2 V K 1  (v´=0) l 3    v´=0 v´=3 m+13 m+12

Scans before are for Dyes:C503&R540 aa (040711, Dye: C480): ab (050711, Dye: C480): file:///C:/REMPI/Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html 81460_81600 no spectra 81580_81820 no spectra 81800_81960 has strong spectra 81940_82088 has weak 79Br,H79Br,81Br,H81Br signal _82220 has strong signal 82580_82800 very weak 82380_82600 strong signal 82200_82400 strong signal ac (060711, Dye: C480): file:///C:/REMPI/Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html 83292_83440 saturation ad (070711, Dyes: C480): file:///C:/REMPI/Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html 83728_83928 saturation 84064_84200 only H+ signal ae (080711, Dye: C480): file:///C:/REMPI/Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html file:///C:/REMPI/Report/REMPI%20REPORT/ html 84700_84880 saturation

HBr+ Br+ H hv g 3  - (0 + ) v´=0 agust,heima,...Jan11/HBr18820_ pxp; lay:0, Gr:0 Shift and intensity perturbations

hv agust,heima,...Jan11/HBr18945_ pxp; Lay:0, Gr:1 HBr +

agust,heima,...Jan11/HBr_74907_ jlak.pxp; Lay:1, Gr:0 HBr +

REMPI-TOF HBr + REMPI-current agust,heima,...Jan11/HBr_74907_ jlak.pxp; Lay:1, Gr:0 2hv

hv I 1  system REMPI-TOF HBr + agust,heima,...Jan11/Experiment jlpxp; Lay:0, Gr: