Increasing Diversity Supplier Participation in the Penn Marketplace Purchasing Services October 1, 2004
Project Overview Partnership with SciQuest Incorporated, Penn’s eProcurement Business Partner Response to the widening gap between Penn’s electronic purchasing requirements and diversity supplier capabilities Opportunity to assist West Philadelphia and diversity suppliers in the development of electronic purchasing skills and capabilities
Components of Diversity Supplier Manager Project Content Enablement Services Diverse Supplier Classifications Diversity Supplier Forum Diverse Supplier Promotional Tools
Services Provided by SciQuest… Content Enablement Services – SciQuest will enable Supplier product and pricing data electronically (500 SKUs per Supplier for 10 Suppliers) – Supplier content provided back to Supplier for ongoing maintenance Diversity Classifications – Updated on a Quarterly basis by Austin Tetra (13 classifications) Reporting – Reports enhanced to provide diversity spend information – Posted monthly to the SpendDirector application Diversity Supplier Forum – To showcase an overview of the objectives and site demo – Provide onsite support from two SciQuest employees – Provide SciQuest promotional materials and guidance for the suppliers – Periodically conduct web-based presentations for participating suppliers
Roles & Responsibilities PennSciQuestSuppliers Overall owner of the Supplier relationship Communicate value proposition to the suppliers Agree to participate and provide product catalog (at a minimum, this catalog needs to be in a paper format) Recruit Suppliers for participation Manually convert supplier data from paper or other unformatted form into the CMT for up to 500 skus/supplier Agree to maintain data in the CMT after the initial conversion Support catalog requirements such as approving price files and ongoing configuration of the content within the CMM Receive, validate & load content into the SciQuest application Manage expectations and resolve issues with the supplier. At a minimum provide yearly updates – Suppliers are encouraged to provide quarterly updates Establish order fulfillment process with Suppliers (cancellations, returns, payment process, etc…) Have the ability to receive orders via fax (orders cannot be “called in”) Meet all other Penn business requirements
Promoting Diversity Suppliers University Login Announcement Organizational Announcement University “Diverse Supplier” Favorites folder Designate and Mark Diverse Suppliers with appropriate diverse classification Integration with Supplier Promotion Module
Promotional Tools University Terms and Conditions page – Customize the Terms and Conditions page like a billboard – Every Ben Buys user will see this (one time) once the Diversity Supplier offering goes live – Change the title bar and use HTML tagging to make the message stand out. – Direct users to a link from Organization Message for more information about the diversity supplier initiative.
Promotional Tools Organization Message – Use the Organization Message to communicate information and details about the Diversity Supplier program – Use HTML tagging to make the message stand out – Provide a link to a website (i.e. or internal document that highlights Penn’s commitment to supplier diversity.
Promotional Tools University Favorites – Create University Favorites folders for Diversified Suppliers – Organize folders by diversity class, supplier, or product
Promotional Tools Supplier Class icons/preference – Assign search preference to preferred diverse suppliers in order to push their products higher in search results. Up to 10 levels of preference are available. – Assign custom icons to diverse suppliers to indicate their specific diversity classification.
Promotional Tools Penn Supplier Promotional Module – Encourage diverse suppliers to participate in a Diversified Supplier component on the Penn Supplier Showcase
For More Information…. Contact Project Managers in Purchasing Services For supplier participation: - Colleen Reardon - For information on SciQuest: - Vira Homick -