HealthyWays Romulo S. de Villa, MD, PhD, Cert. Biochem. Molecular & Nutritional Oncologist Professor of Biochemistry & Nutrition Molecular Biology & Biotechnology Consultant => This material may not be reproduced in any form without expressed written permission of Dr. de Villa.
Dr de Villa’s Traffic Light of Nutrition FOOD Pork & pork products Crabs, shell, shrimps Beef Chicken Fish (sea, scales, small) Full cream powdered milk (grass fed cows) Soft boiled eggs (native chicken) Fruits & Vegetables Whole Grain/Cereals Beans, nuts, legumes PROCESSING Frying Baking Broiling & Grilling Microwaving Steaming Boiling Raw Cook in coconut milk Cook in curry Healthy Menu High 5 Diet END
Dr de Villa’s “High 5” Diet Fish Full Cream Milk Soft Boiled Eggs Whole Grains & Cereals Fresh Raw Fruits and Vegetables Traffic Light of Nutrition Healthy Menu END DR. DE VILLA This material may not be reproduced in any form without express written permission of Dr. de Villa.
Dr de Villa’s 10 Commandments of Health & Nutrition 1. Thou shalt have no other foods before me. Cook foods only by steaming, boiling, with coconut milk or with curry. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any cured meats for they are sick and carcinogenic to your body. 3. Thou shalt not bow down to land animals, cultured fish and bottom dwelling sea foods. Eat only fish from the sea, with scales and relatively small. 4. Thou shalt not take these words in vain. They are important and evidence based. 5. Honor thy milk and eggs. Give mother’s breast milk to babies, drink full cream powdered milk from grass fed cows and eat soft boiled eggs from native chicken. 6. Thou shalt not kill these foods. Eat fresh raw fruits and vegetables daily. 7. Thou shalt commit to drink eight glasses of water daily. Three in the morning, three in the afternoon and two in the evening. 8. Thou shalt not fry thy foods. Frying produces harmful chemicals and toxins. 9. Thou shalt love thy neighbor’s health as thyself. Do not smoke cigarettes, burn leaves or trash. 10. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s foods. For they are pork, fried, grilled and baked starchy foods.
Daily Menu Lunch Dinner Breakfast - fruits - garden salad - vegetable soup - one boiled egg - fish (sea, scales, small) - brown/red rice Dinner - fruits - garden salad - vegetable soup with beans & potato Breakfast - fruits - garden salad - one boiled egg - whole grain cereal - glass of full cream powdered milk from New Zealand or Australia
Diet Prescription for your Soul Take 2 cups full of patience 1 heartful of love 2 handfuls of generosity 1 dash of laughter sprinkle with kindness mix well with prayer and serve everyone you meet
It has been a pleasure serving you all !