Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Rare B Decays : B l, ll, ll Nagoya University Koji Ikado The 11 th International Conference on B-Physics at Hadron Machines (Beauty 2006) Sep. 28, 2006
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Leptonic decay proceeding through W boson annihilation in the Standard Model Decay rate simply related to B meson decay constant f B and |V ub | Helicity suppressed by lepton mass : is favored over e and Clean experimental method of measuring B meson decay constant f B Physics beyond the SM could enhance the branching fraction through the introduction of a charged Higgs boson B l Introduction
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 d dl l l l B 0 l + l - Neutral B mesons decay to l + l - via box or penguin annihilation Branching fractions are suppressed by lepton mass Flavor violating channel ( B 0 e + –, etc.) are forbidden in SM Some new-physics can enhance the branching fractions by orders of magnitude B(B 0 e + e – ) ~ B(B 0 + – ) ~ B(B 0 ) ~ zero Introduction (cont.)
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 B 0 l + l - Radiative dilepton decays Photon emission from the initial state relaxes the helicity suppression SM predictions SM branching fraction much below experimental sensitivity Search for new physics B(B 0 e + e – ) ~ B(B 0 + – ) ~ B(B 0 – ) ~ 9 × Introduction (cont.)
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006
B Analysis B decays with missing neutrinos lack the kinematic constraints which are used to separate signal events from backgrounds (M bc and E) Reconstruct the decay of the non-signal B (tagging), then look for the signal decay in whatever is left over More than 2 neutrinos appear in B decay Tagging side : Fully reconstruct hadronic modes Signal side : Reconstruct particles from decay (4S) B-B- B+B+ e+e+ e B + + , + e + e B-XB-X
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Fully Reconstructed B’s with 449 M Belle 7 modes 6 modes 2 modes Beam constrained mass Signal region : GeV/c 2 ~10% for feed-across between B + and B 0 m ~ 5.28 GeV/c 2 ~ 3 MeV/c 2 due to (E beam ) ~ 180 channels used N= 680k eff.= 0.29% purity = 57% N= 680k eff.= 0.29% purity = 57% N = 412 k eff.= 0.19% purity = 52% N = 412 k eff.= 0.19% purity = 52% Charged B Neutral B
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Signal Selection lepton is identified in the 5 decay modes All the selection criteria have been optimized to achieve the highest sensitivity 81% of all decay modes Total efficiency with decay branching fraction : 0.05%
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Signal Selection Extra neutral energy in calorimeter E ECL - Most powerful variable for separating signal and background - Total calorimeter(ECL) energy from the neutral clusters which are not associated with the tag B Minimum energy threshold Barrel : 50 MeV Forward(Backward) endcap : 100(150) MeV Zero or small value of E ECL arising only from beam background Higher E ECL due to additional neutral clusters B + B - is dominant in background
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Extra Calorimeter Energy in Data Observed events compared with background expected After finalizing the signal selection criteria, the signal region is examined Observe excess in signal region Number of data in signal region 414 fb -1
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Unbinned Likelihood fit to the obtained E ECL distributions Fit Results Signal shape : Gauss + exponential Background shape : Gauss + second-order : Significance with systematics Background yield is consistent with the expectation from the MC simulation Observe 17.2 events with a significance of 3.5 Signal + background B Signal Background (peaking background is included)
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Branching Fraction All decay modes combined Product of B meson decay constant f B and CKM matrix element |V ub | Using |V ub | = (4.38 0.33)×10 -3 from HFAG B( ) = (1.59 0.40)×10 -4 (SM prediction) (|V ub | = (4.38 0.33)×10 -3 & f B = GeV ) f B = GeV (HPQCD) Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, (2005)
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Constraints on Physics Parameters 95.5%C.L. exclusion boundaries 22 rHrH Constraint on Charged Higgs Phys. Rev. D48, 2342 (1993)
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 B Babar Babar searches for in a sample of 324x10 6 BB events Reconstruct one B in a semileptonic final state B Dl X D K , K , K , K s (X= , from D*0 is not explicitly reconstructed) Require lepton CM momentum > 0.8 GeV Require that -2 < cos B-D0l < 1 Parent B energy and momentum are determined from the beam energy Tagged B reconstruction efficiency ~0.7% Discriminate signal from background using E extra lepton is identified in the 4 decay modes
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Results Observe a result consistent with zero signal at 1.3 , set a limit on the branching fraction and quote a central value Calculate the product of f B and |V ub | B Babar (cont.) Babar preliminary
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 e +
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Search for B l in a sample of 229x10 6 BB events Reconstruct one B in a fully hadronic final state Reconstruct B D (*)0 X e + Identify a monoenergetic electron or muon recoiling against B tag
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 e + fb Observe 0 (0) events in the signal box in electron (muon) events Set upper limits on the branching fractions Babar preliminary
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Highly energetic lepton Companion B reconstructed with the remaining particles Update is coming soon P l B rest (GeV) e + Belle preliminary
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 B 0 l + l –
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 B 0 l + l – (e + e –, + –, e + – Very straightforward : reconstruct m ES and E Extremely clean monochromatic kinematics Strategy: define selection for sideband and blind signal box in m ES, E Selection variables | cos T |: T is angle between thrust axes of l + l – candidate and rest of event m ROE : invariant mass of rest of event R 2 : norm ’ d 2 nd Fox-Wolfram moment N trk + ½ N : measure of multiplicity E EMC < 11 GeV, rejects QED Signal MC (blue) vs. sideband data accept
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 B(B 0 e + e – ) < 6.1 × (90%CL) B(B 0 + – ) < 8.3 × (90%CL) B(B 0 e + – ) < 18 × (90%CL) B 0 l + l – (e + e –, + –, e + – ) results e+e–e+e– +–+– e-+e-+ Signal regions Events observed Limits : Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005) B(B 0 e + e – ) < 1.9 × (90%CL) B(B 0 + – ) < 1.6 × (90%CL) B(B 0 e + – ) < 1.7 × (90%CL) B(B 0 d ) < 2.3×10 -8 (90% CL) Phys. Rev. D 68, (2003) 78 fb 780 pb 111 fb BB pairs used: (122.5±1.0)×10 6
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 B 0 + First limit on this channel Experimentally very challenging : 2-4 neutrinos in signal Constrain in particular leptoquark coupling and tan in SUSY Analysis Reconstruct one B in a fully hadronic final state B D (*) X =>280k events In the event remainder, look for two decays ( l, , ) Kinematics of charged partilce momenta and residual energy are fed into a neutral network to separate signal and BG Observed events : 263 19 Expected events : 281 48 B(B 0 + – ) < 4.1 × (90%CL) Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, (2006) 210 fb Data Control sample
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 B 0 Semileptonic tags : B 0 D ( * )- l + (D* - D 0 ) Require nothing in recoil: no charged tracks, limited neutrals Signal obtained from ML fit to E extra Signal: 17 ± 9, background Upper limits Systematics Additive: 7.4 events Multiplicative: 10.9% Frequentist limit-setting procedure – 8 B pairs used: (88.5±1.0)×10 6 B(B 0 invisible) < 22 × (90%CL) Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, (2004)
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 B 0 l + l -
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Search for B ll in a sample of 324x10 6 BB events Reconstruct B candidates from two leptons and a photon Leptons required to be 0.3 < m ll < 4.9 (4.7) GeV for electrons (muons) Reject backgrounds from J/ , (2S) decay (leptons) or 0 decay(photon) Reject qq background using signal B kinematics and event shape in a Fisher discriminant Background is determined by extrapolating the m ES sideband into the signal box B 0 l + l - e signal = 6.07 0.14% & signal = 4.93 0.12% N e bkg = 1.28 0.80 & N bkg = 1.40 0.42 e+e-e+e-+-+-
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Observe 0 (3) events in the signal box in electron (muon) events Set upper limits on the branching fractions B 0 l + l - Babar preliminary e + e - + - B(B 0 ) < 4.7 × (90%CL) B(B 0 e + e - ) < 0.7 × (90%CL) B(B 0 ) < 3.4 × (90%CL) Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, (2004)
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Summary Performed searches for rare leptonic B decays B l, ll, ll Belle found first evidence for B - First direct measurement of the B meson decay constant f B 4
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Backup Slides
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 KEKB & Belle 500 fb -1 Asymmetric-energy e + e - collider 8GeV – 3.5 GeV High Luminosity L ~ 1.5 x Collected ~560 fb -1
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Features with Fully Reconstructed B Tag Merit : Offline B meson Beam B momentum is available -Resolution of M miss 2 can be significantly improved. -separate similar semileptonic decays reduce background significantly B-flavor is also available -We can treat charged & neutral B separately Demerit : Low statistics Efficiency : % However, we can rely on KEKB, providing World record luminosity w/o B momentum with B momentum M miss 2 for B - D 0 (MC) low middle high poor mod. good S/N Eff. trad. recon. Advanced recon. D (*) l tag Lum. Full recon.
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Signal Selection Extra neutral energy E ECL Validation -Double tagged sample, B tag is fully reconstructed and B sig is semileptonic mode Validate with double tagged events B + D (*)0 X + (fully reconstruction) B - D *0 B - D *0 l D 0 D 0 0 K - + K - + K - + - + K - + - + B+B-B+B- 494 18 B0B0B0B0 7.9 2.2 Total 502 18 Data458 Purity ~ 90%
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Background Estimation MC : 23.3 4.7 Data : 21 MC : 94.2 8.0 Data : 96 Large MC samples for e + e - BB, qq, X u l, X u , + -, and rare B decays are used (including beam-background) Sideband Total MC : 267 14 Data : 274 MC : 89.6 8.0 Data : 93 MC : 41.3 6.2 Data : 43 MC : 18.5 4.1 Data : 21 Good agreement between data and MC in sideband region Validity of background MC simulation
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 B Candidate Event B + D 0 + K + - + - K + - + - B - - e - e -
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 B and Decay Constant f B Expected branching fraction Currently, our best knowledge of f B comes from lattice QCD calculations with uncertainty of 10% |V ub | = (4.38 0.33)×10-3 from HFAG (hep-ex/ ) f B = GeV from lattice QCD HPQCD result, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, (2005)
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Systematic Uncertainty Signal selection efficiencies Tag reconstruction efficiency : 10.5% B - D *0 l Difference of yields between data and MC in the B - D *0 l - control sample Number of BB : 1% Signal yield : signal shape ambiguity estimated by varying the signal PDF parameters BG shape : changing PDF Total systematic uncertainty +22.5% % +25.5% %
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Constraints on Physics Parameters CKM parameters -Constraint in the ( , ) plane from the branching fraction and m d
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 M bc and P mis distributions Fit Results
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Constraints at Super-B Br(B ) measurement : Further accumulation of luminosity helps to reduce both statistical and systematic errors - Some of the major systematic errors come from limited statistics of the control sample |V ub | measurement: < 5% in future is an realistic goal f B from theory ~10% now 5% (?) Lum. B(B ) exp |V ub | 414 fb -1 36%7.5% 5 ab -1 10%5.8% 50 ab -1 3%4.4% Assumption in the following plots
Koji Ikado Beauty 2006 Constraints at Super-B (cont.) f B (LQCD) = 5% 95.5%C.L. exclusion boundaries rHrH 22 rHrH 5ab -1 50ab -1 If |V ub | = 0 & f B = 0